twenty four

433 20 0

"Good morning sunshine." I heard George's voice in the room when I fluttered my eyes open. My eyes searched for him in the room, he's standing in front of his closet. "You should get ready now, we have an hour."

"Oh, right." I mumbled, rising up from the bed. "Good morning love, what are you planning to wear?"

"I honestly don't know, like what do we need to wear? I'm uh, I'm thinking of wearing my suit and tie." He said, rummaging on his messy closet.

I thought of him wearing formal wear and I felt something inside me, I would love to see it.

"I guess that would be okay, I mean, it's a recognition ceremony."

So apparently, it's recognition day for Ezra's college, they hold up a ceremony every year to give awards to their greatest students or has top achievements, Ezra is one of them and I'm really proud of him.

He invited us to go and George is going to meet Ezra's family too, they were overjoyed when they found out that he's technically a part of their family too.

"Jane is dropping us to the place, she's downstairs cooking breakfast for us." He added, as he grabbed the hanger containing his neat clothes.

"Alright, I'll just go to my room and pick a nice dress or something." I stood up and gave him a hug. We stayed like that for a while. "What do you want me to wear?"

"Wear the white dress your mom gave you for your birthday, I really love that dress on you."

I just nodded as a response and made my way out of his room to get ready.


"Ready?" Jane asked us before we go out of the house. Hand in hand, we just followed her as she go to the car.

Silence wrapped us in a short amount of time. Like the surface of the water, everything was placid, and I never knew that a few seconds later it will be disrupted by sudden words of Jane.

"You saw it at the mall, didn't you, George?" Jane broke the deafening silence and tension in the car. Joj just nodded his head in response. "You must've been surprised, I didn't know they would be there-"

"It's alright, I knew for a long time." He said, finally looking at Jane through the mirror. "You don't have to apologize or anything, I have nothing against it."


"He's entirely okay with it, Jane." I spoke up, Jane's worried expression started to fade away. "You don't have to worry anymore."

"I'm so sorry I kept it a secret after all those years." She continued, her eyes glued on the road now. "I just couldn't bring myself to hurt you, I was waiting for the right time."

"I understand." George shortly replied.

Nobody spoke after that for a few minutes. I felt the tension disappear but there's still a hint of worry in Jane's face. I looked at George and he's just looking out of the car window.

I tightened my hold on his hand and he glanced at me. He probably read my expression that's almost the same as Jane's. I'm really worried for him too. George squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I'd love to meet them though." He spoke up that took Jane by surprise, the little frown on her face was replaced with a beam.

"Really? We can arrange that!" She said gleefully. George smiled, looking back to the window as he watch the cars pass by us.


The Carnegie Hall is always so fascinating to me. It's still day time so the lights from the outside aren't lit yet but nonetheless it looks amazing.

People are coming in and out of the venue, we blended with the crowd. George is getting some looks from other people, probably figuring out who he is or trying to recognize if he's the artist dominating the charts at the moment. I chuckled at the thought.

George squeezed my hand and I looked at him.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He whispered as we continue to walk in the crowded hallway.

"I think people are recognizing you and it's just funny to me." I told him, he laughed a little and nodded his head.

"They must be very confused."

"Or maybe you're just really a head turner, you know what I mean?" I told him and he scoffed.

"Nah, I'm no head turner."

"Bitch look at you," I whisper shouted, "You're a fucking artwork love."

"Stop." He blushed a little. "I should be the one saying that to you."

"My man deserves compliment showers too, you know?" I laughed, laying my head on his shoulder.

We finally got to the where the ceremony is being held. Loud chatters of people welcomed us in, I looked for Ezra's parents on the sea of people gathered here right now.

"Freya!" I heard someone call my name from afar and it was Mrs. Miller, as in Ezzy's mom.

I waved and made my way to where they are, pulling George behind me.

"Long time no see!" I told them and they all gave me a hug.

"We miss your cheery self back at home." Mr. Miller commented. "Oh, you must be George?"

George shyly nodded his head and sent them a small smile. I grinned at him.

"Yeah, this is my boyfriend, George Miller." I said proudly, motioning towards the man I'm with.

The love of my life.

"Technically you're our family too, it's nice to finally meet you." Mr. Miller said, giving George a hug. He looks surprised but accepted the welcoming hug afterward. "Ezra told us a lot about you!"

"Congrats on your music career!" Mrs. Miller said that made George act more demure and reserved. His cheeks are looking like tomatoes right now.

"Thank you, thank you." He muttered, bowing his head as he say so. A literal cutie?

"Freya! George!" I heard someone scream from afar, it was Ezra, waving his arms like a child. He looks ecstatic and blissful, he was really looking forward to this day that day we last met.

I'm really proud of my best friend, I'm really looking forward to what more he can achieve.

I looked at George who's grinning to Ezra too, I'm really proud of him too, and I'll continue to say that for as long as I live.

I looked at the sea of students sitting in their supposed seats waiting for the ceremony to officially start and for their names to be called.

Must feel nice to be there too, but I will reach that next year, I'll trust my own process and let myself progress in my own pace.

"Frey," George nudged me on the shoulder, I glanced to his direction and raised my eyebrows at him, urging him to continue speaking.

"I got in. I'm officially part of 88rising."

sanctuary // george joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now