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It's been a week since then, and since then, George started to enjoy being outside the house, well, at least on the front yard. Even on the porch to just chill, play songs, even make songs, outside.

I even talked to him what about the noises and he said he likes the random noises, that he can use them on songs, then I remembered that he used to do that a lot of his past songs.

The random sounds and noises gives his songs a nostalgic vibe, and honestly he's a genius for making songs like that.

Jane came home yesterday, we get to talk and hang out. The same question I've been wanting to ask George about Jane keeps popping in my mind but I just can't seem to get the courage to actually do it.

"I'm really proud of George." Jane said out if the blue. I looked up to her. "He finally did it."

"Yeah." I agreed. "He's really recovering."

"I think it was because of you, why he wanted to be a better." She commented, I shook my head in denial.

"I'd like to say that he did it for himself." I explained. "I can really see how he loves making music, maybe that inspired him to be better."

"And for you too," she laughed. "Don't deny it, Violet."

"Gosh, Jane." I chuckled. "I'm grateful for the both of you."

"I am too." She smiled. "Actually, do you want to go shopping? I wasn't here on your birthday and I've been busy, but I can treat you out today, and George, if he would like to come."

"I'd love that!" I told her happily. "Wait, let me check up on George."

I stood up and walked slowly to peek on the porch, he's sitting there with his ukulele.

"These people don't heal, these people don't feel," he sang. "These people aren't real, so make me this deal, won't you?"

"Gimme-gimme love, gimme-gimme love, gimme-gimme love, gimme-gimme love," he sang in a low voice. "When I'm gone, when I'm gone,"

"Hey." I spoke up that totally surprised him, he looked at me then laughed at his actions.

"Hey, Frey." He greeted back. "What's up?"

"Do you want to go out? Like at the mall?"

He paused for a bit before responding. "Sure."

"Are you sure?" I asked one more time and he just nodded, with a light smile.

"I think I can, I'm getting used to it, day by day." He explained, "Don't worry about it, if I handled it here, where I'm most scared, I can definitely withstand outside of my house."

I sat next to him to the porch.

"I know I told you this before, but I'll tell you again, and will always tell you," I told him and he stared at me. "I'm proud of you, you've come a long way."

"Sure did." He replied, agreeing. "Couldn't have done it without you, honestly."

I blushed at his words. "You did it for yourself, George. I'm sure you've been trying your best all these years."

"I wasn't actually, it was just after I realized that I like you." He mumbled. "I wanted to better myself, for you."

I looked away after he said that. I'm just really shy when he becomes expressive. I guess I'm not used to it yet, or I just don't want to let him see that I can be softer.

He makes me feel a lot of things that I thought I'd never get to feel.

"You should get ready now, I'll inform Jane that you agreed and we will leave later today." I told him, standing up. He laughed.

He must've seen that I got flustered by his words. He knows his effect on me.

What an ass, taking advantage of me like that.

"Stop." I laughed, turning to him.

"You're cute." He said, continuing to laugh. "Fine, I'll go get ready, you should too, wear something nice."

He got inside before me, I peeked at the kitchen to see Jane putting some paper bags on the table.

"What are those?"

"I got you something the other day, I just remembered." She said, giving me a paper bag. "Wear this for today, it's basically our first time going out as a family."

My heart skipped a beat at the thought.

I'm a part of their family? It feels nice.

Feels nice to be a part of something.

"Thank you." I shyly told her, accepting the paper bag. "I'll wear it today." I smiled, she returned the gesture and got out of the kitchen.


currently writing the second part! will try to post tonight too ❤️

sanctuary // george joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now