Little Bella

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Hi my name is Alex and this is my new story! This is my take of Twilight but were Bella is 3 years old!

"Charlotte we're is mommy and daddy?" I asked

Charlotte looked down at me with sad eyes and said "in a new place."

Charlotte and her husband Nathan held my hands as we walked towards their car, that's when I started to cry.

*End of Flashback*

I was woken up by Nathan yelling at me to get up, " Get up now you little brat and leave."
I sighed and got up and walked to the small closet that had little in it. I slipped on a shirt and some pants, I didn't have any warm clothes but whatever. I grabbed my hairbrush and pulled it through my hair.

I put the brush down and started walking down the stairs when Nathan stopped me, " WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?" He screamed at me as he threw me at the wall and kicked me. " Stop, please" was all I managed to say. He stopped but hit me hard against the face and opened the door and threw me out the door. " Go to your bus stop and don't tell anyone about anything" he spat. I walked to my bus stop trying not to cry the whole way.

Ever since Charlotte passed away Nathan has been abusive! I hated him so much!

The bus pulled up and I got on, the bus driver smiled at me and said "Good morning Bella!" I smiled back even though it hurt. I sat down and looked out the window. I was bullied by everyone in my school!

All of a sudden someone started laughing at me and I turned and saw a girl in my class Victoria laughing at me. I turned back to the window only to have Victoria talk to me, " Are you cold little Bella?" I sighed and looked down hoping the bus ride would end soon which it did.

Everyone got off the bus and I followed. It was morning recess and I had no friends so I climbed up onto a swing and started swinging. Twenty minutes later the bell rang and everyone scrambled to go inside. I followed slowly and the day continued normally until the end of the day when my teacher Mrs.Ava said that we are going to be having a student teacher coming into our class.

Victoria raised her hand and asked Mrs.Ava " Can we have a party if we are good?"

Mrs.Ava smiled and said " We'll see!"

The bus ride home was normal and I got off the bus and walked home to were an angry Nathan greeted me!

So this was the first chapter of Little Bella I hoped you enjoyed please wait and see until next chapter to see what happen!



Thank You!😘

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