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Hey Guys! So I promised some chapters so that may just mean one more after this chapter! Idk though! So the song linked above is a band I just got into and wanted you guys to hear it! Okay let's do this!!

Bella's Pov:
I try to open my eyes but I can't. I am fighting with darkness and the darkness is winning. I am trying to fight but I'm getting tired and want to give up. I give one last try of opening my eyes but I cant.

Edwards Pov:
I watch as Carlisle bandages Bella and fixes her leg. Bella isn't moving but I can still hear her heart beat. Usually she mumbles in her sleep but she is perfectly still and silent.
"Carlisle why is Bella so still?" Carlisle looks up, "Edward, I just gave her medicine so she can rest" he says. I just nod and grab hold of Bella's hand.

Bella's Pov:
I feel someone grab my hand and give it a light squeeze. All of a sudden I'm in horrible pain. I don't know why I'm in so much pain but I feel the persons hand leave mine. I suddenly realize what is happening. My body wants to heal itself so I'm going through a growth spurt. I want to cry out but I cant, my body won't let me. I cry internally, it's so painful. I can hear my own heartbeat in my head, and I can barley hear myself think! Finally after the pain starts to fade to a dull ache I open my eyes. At first the light burns my eyes but I would rather see light than darkness. I just lay there staring at the ceiling.
"Bella" I hear someone say. I look over to my right and see Edward, who look scared and mad. I reach my hand out and lay it on his cheek. "Edward" I whisper. He just stares at me until the door burst open. I let out a little scream before curling into a ball. My eyes snap to the door and realize it's just my family and 4/5 Denali's. "Bella" Mommy cries. She is by my side in seconds hugging me, I wrap my arms around her. "Oh Bella, look at you" Alice exclaims. I look over at her and smile. Mom releases me and helps me get up off of the table. Alice takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. She places me in front of the mirror and I gasp. My hair is down to the bottom of my thighs and my face is slimmer. I am at a good healthy weight and my eyes are just the same brown color. Wow I can't believe I'm 13!

Ok so yah Bella is 13 the liquid Charlotte previously gave her messed up and Bella is now 13! Weird busy chapter but I'm proud of it! What do you gush think? I want honest opinions! Okay Bye!
Bye my Lovelies

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