Forgiveness and Sleep

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Sorry guys for like almost a month without an update I feel awful! But here is an update. I'm going to update on Thursday because it's my birthday and I'm not going to do anything. We'll here we go!

Bella's POV:
We walk back to the house in silence. It's an eerie silence and I feel uncomfortable. I'm tired so I start drifting to sleep in Alice's arms. I hear the front door open and then I feel myself being laid down on a cold but soft surface. I feel someone's eyes on me, then I feel someone's hand on my forehead. I open my eyes and there is Edward. He smiles at me and I smile back.
"Are you okay Bella?"He says softly
I nod and then close my eyes to sleep
*2 hours later*
I role over and open my eyes and see my family. Jasp and Em playing video games, Mom and Dad talking, Rose and Alice reading magazines, and Edward watching me. I close my eyes again and feel blush rise on my cheeks. I lay on my stomach and press my face into the pillow. After a few minutes I feel like I can't breath and lift my head. Edward comes and sits next to couch on the floor. I lay back down and he strokes my cheek with his hand.
"Bella I'm sorry for everything that happened today, the way I acted was terrible." He says softly
I shake my head, "You are forgiven but stop blaming your self for everything!" I say quietly but sternly
He laughs and kisses my forehead. I smile and laugh.

Sorry guys this chapter sucks but I wanted to give you guys something. Getting out of the hospital Wednesday! Thank you guys for voting, commenting, and just reading. We are almost to a million reads! I'm going to cry! But anyways I love you guys with all my heart and if you guys want to talk message me! I'm bored in the hospital. Talk to you guys later bye!
Love you guys just thought I should tell you guys again!

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