Please,Please Help Me!

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Ok so I am so proud of this story! This story has 14.1K which i never thought it would get this many reads,votes, and comment! I just want to thank you guys for everything! I know that I dont update much but I still am on Wattpad reading comments and seeing who votes. I also read peoples stories, so if you have any suggested books please send me a message! Ok so here is the next chapter!

Edward's Pov:

I pace around my room, trying to read Alice's mind. I stop and sit on my bed totally scared of where Bella is. I know Tanya took her because it was Tanya and Bella's scent. We tried to follow the scent but the place it stops is a little town in southern Alaska. On top of it she can' t see Bella's future only Tanya's . We are going to follow the scent after Alice is ready. I get up and open my door and walk down the hall to Bella's room. I slowly open the door and go sit on her bed. I watch as Alice enters the room with Jasper. "Edward we will find her." Alice says quietly. Jasper comes and sits next to me, he stares at me. "Edward just like Alice said we will find her." He says calmly. I stand up and walk over to Bella's closet, and open the doors. I grab a blanket and a sweatshirt. I then go into my own room and grab a jacket of my own.  Then I jump out the window and start running.

After about twenty minutes of running, if finally stop because I come across a little house in the woods. I hear a noise behind me and see my family and the Denali. I turn to the house and hear low voices. "What should we do to the brat?" Tanya says. "I think we should just set the shed on fire and kill her that way!"I hear a man say. After them saying this I run into the house and see Tanya and the guy sitting there. "Where is she?" I scream. Tanya lurches for me and starts to hug me and trys to kiss me. I shove her back and the guy lunges for me but Em and Jasper grab him while the Denalis grab Tanya. I run out of the house and around back, my heart drops when I see whats there.

Bella's Pov:

I lay there freezing to death, and hungry. I am lying in a pile of snow and it just keeps snowing. I have cut my hands open and my wrist trying to get over the chain link fence. My leg is broken and my face hurts. I cant even move or lift my head anymore because of how much blood I have lost. I am pretty much just laying in a pool of my blood. I hear a noise come from somewhere around me, but i cant move. My eyes slowly close but then I feel a cold hand on my head. "Bella, please open your eyes!" I slowly open them and see Edwards face. I start to cry but the sobs hurt my chest. He wraps me up in a blanket but I start to cry even harder. It hurts so bad but I cant get myself to stop. Then my breath stops and my heartbeat slows. I'm dying! Please,Please Help ME!

Yes I feel so good! 3 chapter in only a few hours. Next chapter will be released later! I'm so excited. So just in case you don't understand what happened right there Bella died! Okay so talk to you later!




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