Natasha and Steve

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Hiding the fact your a S.H.I.E.LD from your boyfriend-who also happened to be an Agent- was difficult. It was almost like Fury was testing how far you would go keep it a secret by calling you at the most inconvenient times. Even though he was the one who ordered you to hide your job from Steve in the first place. You program him as Nicole on your phone, claiming it was an old college friend trying to get sober-you wanted to change it to asshole, but that would raise questions. And probably a lecture-.

It was hard for both of you to be growing apart, because of this. But Fury reminded you it was a part of the job. One you really, really hated. Steve started to investigate what was really going on, knowing full well you didn't have a friend named Nicole, who was an alcoholic. All the message on you phone had been deleted, but when he looked at the number it was all, too, familiar.

He stormed into the compound, finding Natasha in sea of agents. Grabbing her by to arm, he dragged her into an abandoned office.

"You knew (Y/n) worked here didn't you?" He growled.

"I don't know what youre talking about" She claimed, keeping a straight face.

"Stop lying!"

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