part 24

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical mistakes.


Beam waa sitting nervously in front of psychiatrist.
Its his fifth meeting and everytime they start with some easy questions.

So Mr.  Beam Baramee, I'll be taking it really slow and easy.
Please don't hesitate while answering.
Start the doctor once he found Beam is relaxing.

Beam nod with a hesitant smile.

Relax Mr. Beam. It's  not first time right.
Said the doctor who is an old aged man with warm smile and friendly appearance.

Forth hold his hand which were resting on Beam's lap.

Beam looked at Forth and Forth smiled,  boosting his morale.

Beam didn't smile but didn't freed his hand also.

Forth felt hurt but ignore it as his priority is Beam.

The doctor start talking him with simple questions.

He inject some drug and then Beam felt himself more relaxed and more free.

Call Doctor.

Replied Beam.

"You okay?"
He asked again.

Replied Beam again.

"How are you feeling?"
Asked Doctor.

"Its feeling light here. But.."

"But what Beam?"


"Hmm you are what Beam?"

"I'm not fine."

"Are you hurt Beam?"


"Where dear?"

Beam didn't respond and just cried silently.

"Beam.. Are you listening me?"
Asked Doctor.
Forth face turned hurt seeing Beam crying.

Where are you, son?"
Asked Doctor.

Beam didn't respond.

"Can you hear me Beam?"
He asked again seeing Forth getting restless.

I can."
Replied Beam shortly.

"What happened Son?
Where are you?"
He asked again.

"In P'Forth's bedroom."
Replied Beam.

"What are you doing there?"

"Reading new manga. P'Forth bought it for me."
Said Beam smilingly.

"What's the time here Beam?"

"Umm ten.."

"Aren't you sleepy?"

"Ahaa... Naah..
P'Forth hasn't arrived yet.
I'm waiting."
Beam Replied whiningly.

"Hii P'Forth.
Auchhh P its hurting."

"Beam what happened?"
Asked Doctor.

"P'Forth no... No... Don't do this P...
I'm Beamie your Baby P..."

"Beam... Beam what is happening there? "
Shout doctor.

"You are drunk P... Please stop.. it hurts P... No.... Let me go P... You... You... You promised....I'm not ready.
Not ready P.. Ahhhhh.."

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