part 32

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


Forth was smiling seeing the familiar view of his usual morning with Beam singing poem and Akky following his Mommy with missing words.

Beam put strawberry pancakes in Akky's plate but the little toddler wasn't in mood to eat.

He was playing with his  spoon dizzily.

Forth came and sit beside him.

Hii handsome.
He greet his son taking him in his embrace.

Beam smile and serve breakfast to his  lover also.

Good molnin Dwaddy.
Akky greet his daddy and gave him soundless kiss on his cheek.

Forth amused with happiness kissed his temple.

Not in mood to eat breakfast Baby?
He asked settling his son on his lap.

Then only he realised that Akky's temperature is little high.

Forth called Beam who come to them.

Yes P?
He asked.

Forth checked Akky's forehead and his neck.

He is running fever.
You didn't notice earlier?
Asked Forth  with worry in his voice.

Beam instantly checked and nod.
It could be because of too much ice cream last night?
He asked not sure what to do.

He picked Akky in his arms and became worry.

Forth yelled his brother in law name.

Master Kit and Master Ming is in garden sir.
Informed Olivia.

Ming and Kit ran inside.
Yes P...
Answered Kit panting hard as he just ran hearing Forth called him.

Akky is having fever.
Informed Forth with worry clearly written all over his face.

Kit looked at Ming and Ming nod and run to his room to get his First Aid Kit.

Beam put Akky in his bed and sat beside him nearly crying.

Forth hold Beam by his shoulder standing beside him.

This is the first time he is seeing his Son like this.

Kit checked Akky thoroughly.
He turn to Beam and Forth.

Its just common viral P.
No need to worry.
He will be fine after medicines and sleep.
Said Kit caressing baby's face.

He will be fine.
Said Beam to Forth who is having grim face.

I'm sorry for not being present in times like this earlier.
Said Forth pulling Beam to his chest resting his face on his shoulder.

Beam sniffs Forth's hair patting his back.

Its ok P.
He said calming Forth.

Its not okay Baby. Seeing Our son like this making me realised how vulnerable you had been that time.
When you needed me there badly. When My Son needed me.
I'm sorry sorryy...
Sobbed Forth looking at Akky who is laying in middle of bed.

Heyyy P'Baby...
Said Beam pulling Forth back so that he could see Forth's face.

Shhh...who will say that you are Sir D?
Its ok are here now. We are together now.
And i don't want to waste anymore time on regretting to not have you with us.
Said Beam and Kiss Forth's left cheek.

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