Part 33

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No proofreading

Forgive my grammatical mistakes


As per your order Boss,  i got their shadow down.
Said Zed to his Boss.

The man in black suit nod.

And the other plan?
He asked calmly.

Bran will handle that part. before evening Darvid will be here.
Zed further explain and Black suit man nod.

Lets finish and move to other territory.  I don't think they will be here.
Old man shows his worry to his most loyal man.

Zed nod with concerning eyes.
We will find them soon Boss.


Did you got that giant Max?
Asked leader of black Clan, Rin Thongkam.

We got into their security boss.
We get that Giant already.

He is already drugged by our men.

Darvid planned to secure them individually.
We'll get that Baramee and his bastard kid till evening.
Steve answer to his boss.


Beam was packing necessities for Akky when he got a call from hospital.

He answer.

Hello Young Master Beam.
I'm Dr. Piak.  The lady you got last week is conscious now.  She is doing fine and having no anxiety attacks.
She wants to meet you.
Informed Doctor.

Beam smile with tears.
He himself don't know why he feels so attached to that woman.

Who she is?
He asked.

She answered her name as Sherly B Vongviphan, Young Master.

She was crying hysterically saying that  she find you again.
Informed Doctor further.

Beam was crying without knowing reason himself.

I'll be there Doctor, once this will settle.
He said and turn to Ming.

We are ready to move Beamie.
Said Ming putting his guns in his both pockets.

Beam carried Akky and nod to Kit who was holding a bag for Beam.

P'Olivia was scared but she became a mother figure to support Beam.

Before they can come out from Mansion, Den inject three of them some kind of drug.

As far as i know Black gang is active and our most prominent threat. They indulged in sedatives. We can't take risk.
He said and gave Akky to Mike.

Mike put sleepy Akky on his shoulder.
He is still having fever.
Mike comment.

Beam nod helplessly.

I gave him medication.  He will be fine once he woke up.
Replied kit and all moved to Helicopter.

Ming instructs his guards to keep Mansion and its people safe.

His eyes were misty.
Ofcourse they would be. Kit knew that Ming loves his people and his home so much. They don't know whether they will return here soon or not.
He just caress Ming's back.


Did you find anything Tul?
Asked Forth.

I'm  still checking Forth. Their last location is at north wing.

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