Chapter 12

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Y/N- So, what dickhead wants me?

??- Me...

Y/N- Ummm... would help if you came out from the shadows, darling.

The shadow emerges from the darkness. Very recognizable face...

Y/N- OH. So you're the guy, who failed to get the stones? 

One of the guards laugh and gets killed with alien-tech right there... in front of me.

Thanos- We do not speak of that...

Y/N- Right... Well whatever you need from me, you're not going to get.

Thanos- Is that so?

Y/N- Yep. 

I smile a big fake smile to get on his nerves. But it backlashed. He grabbed his long sword and put it right under my chin.

Thanos- I will stop at nothing to get revenge on the Avengers. Its there fault I don't have the stones...

He lifted up my chin with the sword.

Thanos- You know I killed my daughter just to get the soul stone...

Y/N- Jee... That's messed up. Listen here, I've heard the stories about you. You thought you were doing the right thing but you and your purple grape self would have been killed. Just. Like. That.

I snapped my fingers to mock him, with a mischievous smirk on my face. He gets annoyed and points the sword into my shoulder and drags it crossing over my chest. I scream at the pain, but it doesn't stop me.

Y/N- You're Pathetic... I bet if you were given a second chance with your daughter she wouldn't take it. PRICK!

He digs the sword into my other shoulder and crosses over my other wound. I grit my teeth and take the pain. 

Y/N- I will never help you to kill the Avengers.

Thanos- Your Mother would be so disappointed...

Y/N- You would have to kill me to get to them! I will take you down with this spaceship if I have to!

Thanos- I wouldn't do that if I were you...

Y/N- And whys that?

Thanos- Pretty boy Spiderman is on the ship...

Y/N- Wh- What?! 

I turn around and see peter in a headlock trying to struggle free from The Others grip.


Thanos- Hmmm... How about no?

Y/N- What do I have to do to for you to let him go...

Thanos- I need your powers... the source of how you live...


Peters trying to say 'no Y/N' it's muffled but I can still hear him.

Y/N- Let me talk to him... Alone.

Thanos nods his head at The Other and lets peter go. I run over to him as he gasps for air.

Y/N- Hey...Hey Pete.

Peter- Y/N- You cant. I'm not letting you.

Y/N- It's Okay... Let me go...


Y/N- You will be fine Pete. You have Mr Stark...and you're totally going to hit it off with Liz...

I swallowed a lump in my throat...

Peter- Y/N... It's NOT LIZ...It's YOU

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