Chapter 6

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*It has been 4 and a half weeks since the incident, you've become very distant from everyone. You haven't eaten a lot only snacks while everyone else was at dinner you were in your room staring at the wall. You had felt so sick lately that your room would start spinning so you had to just sit down most the time and stare at a spot on your bedroom wall, no one else know that you were self harming, you thought it was the best thing to cope with the pain*

*There's a knock on your door*

Sam- *Through the door* Hey Hunny, The school called me again. I know a lot is going on, but life is still going on and so your SATs.

Y/N- Okay..? Dad, I'm not going to school. Can't I be homeschooled?

Sam- Kid, We would but were still trying to figure out what's going on with you. I told the school you're coming back Monday.

Y/N- DAD! 

Sam- Kid, I'm sorry. Just remember it's just a dream, it didn't ...happen and I won't let it happen.

Y/N- Fine.

*You get dressed into joggers and a jumper to keep a low profile at school,ready to go to school you walk down stairs and get your bag* 

Sam- Bye, Kid.

Nat- Have a good day!

Thor- Enjoy Little one.

Y/N- Yeah, Yeah. Whatever. *You leave*

*You arrive at school, everyones looking at you*

Y/N- *You say under your breath* So much for a low profile.

*You go to your locker and get your books, suddenly your locker slams shut*

Flash- Whoa, What happened to you? Someone died?

*You remember your dream about your mum, it gets you angry that flash had said that and tears start to form in your eyes*

Flash- Oh...Y/N... Im sor-

Y/N- You know what flash?! Don't even -  we both know you don't know what sorry means, if you did you wouldn't be a little shit!

*You start to walk of and then you see peter and remember what happened that day at the tower*


*Your in your room and you hear a knock at your door*

Peter- Hey Y/n?

Y/N- What do you want pete?

Peter- Just coming to see if your ok?

Y/N- *In a sarcastic tone* Hmm, let me think, a few minutes ago, in some way, i just saw my mother die! So, Yeah. I'm doing great! HOW DO YOU THINK I'M DOING ?!

Peter- Hey! Don't come at me. I'm trying to be nice! 


Peter- Why are you pushing me away!


Peter- I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU *He turns to leave and  as he's shutting the door you run up to the door*

Y/N- Wait! Pete! I didn't me- *The door slammed shut in your face*

Y/N- *quivering* no... *whispering and sobbing* I didn't mean to. *You get so angry at yourself your hands start to glow and your blood boils, you can feel the energy flowing through your veins, it starts to get painful and more intense. You feel like your on fire. You drop to the floor screaming and let out a wave of energy, it shot up to the atmosphere...into space*


 *A single tear runs down your face, you realise that you had been staring at peter, you saw him kiss a girl... He saw you staring at him and he started to make his way over. You freeze not knowing what to do, then suddenly you turn and run into an empty classroom. The room slowey morphed into the basement in your dream, you tried to get out but the door was jammed*

Y/N- *You walk away from the door, your breathing starts to get heavy* No... not now! not now! *Your hands start to shake, you reach for your phone and call your dad*

Y/N- Pick up! Pick up!

??- Hello??

Y/N- D-dad...?

Nat- Hunny, It's Nat, your dad left his phone here. He's on a run. Everything ok?

*Your crying and breathing heavily down the phone*

Y/N- N-Nat... I think I'm- Um I think im having another p-panick a-attack *Your breathing gets faster*

Nat- OH! Y/n, take deep breaths... I'm coming, Go find Peter, he will help you till I get there.

Y/N- *crying* I-I Can't... He-He hates me.

Nat- What? Why?

Y/N- Because, When he was trying to help me.. I pushed him away... I told him he was no one to me other than a boy from school...

Nat- Oh Y/n!

Y/N- *Your breathing getting worse* I-i didn't mean it Nat! I really really like p-peter. Every Time I saw him at the tower i would get flutters. And i wanted to talk to him...It was like he was the only person in the room Nat. But I saw him kiss another girl... it broke me nat. *Your breathing is getting slower*

Nat- You love Peter.

Y/N- I love Peter?! Nat, i've only known him for like a month and a bit.

Nat- Well, love is very random and can come when you least expect it.

Y/N- So what if I love Peter. He's not in love with me so I-I can-

*The room is getting darker and you zone out and you hear your mother screaming, your breathing picks up speed again*

Nat- Y/N?

*You drop your phone. You turn to pick it up and Peter is staring at you in shock* 

Y/N- no no no. *breathing getting worse* 

Peter- Y/n...

*The Bell rings, You end the call on Nat, and go to walk out the room*

Peter- *He stops you, and holds your arms*

Y/N- *crying trying to get words out* P-peter. Let me go!

Peter- *He just pulls you into a tight embrace*

Y/N- Peter...please let me go.

Peter- No... not again.

Y/n-*You drop to the floor crying and breathing weirdly* p-please. *you start to get light headed and pass out in peters arms*

Peter- *He doesn't realise that you had passed out until 3 minutes after you had stopped breathing irregularly and stopped crying*

*He carries you to the front of school. Running slightly. He Sees nat pull up outside* 

Peter- NAT!

Nat- Peter, Lay her down in the back! 

Peter- Can I come?! 

Nat- You know May would kill you.

Peter- Please.

Nat- I'll keep you updated.

Peter- *Sighs and watched nat speed off*

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