Finally {Harry Potter x Reader}

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Not my story! creds to  @toripotter 

*Smut Warning*(Teasing, Harry being cocky/angry, cursing, unprotected sex, a little bit of fingering/clit play, thigh riding, begging, creampie, fluff at the end)

Hey, y/n," Fred called, poking his head in Ginny's room that I was sharing with her and Hermione. "Your boyfriends back."

"Really?" My eyes shot from the random book I was reading, excited at the unexpected news. "And he's not my boyfriend."

"Yeah, but you probably wish he was," George raised his eyebrows with a smirk, laughing at my piercing glare.

"Shut up," I pushed passed the twins as they followed me downstairs to meet Harry at the door with Mr. Weasley, coming back from a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. Harry had been seemingly irritated with the letter that claimed to expel him from Hogwarts, as anyone would.

Hermione, Ginny, and Ron were already downstairs in the Burrows cozy living room to greet Harry. I would've been too, but I was too down and worried about my friend.

"How'd it go, mate?" I heard Ron's voice a little hesitant. We knew Harry might be in one of his moods, but who's to blame him. He watched a friend die and now the Ministry is out to get him.

"Fine, I guess," Harry shrugged in a monotone voice. "Dumbledore handled it so I guess I'm fine for now."

"Harry," I breathed, stepping off the bottom step. He gave a weak smile as if he, himself were too weak to even form one.

"Hi, y/n," it hurt to see Harry in such a depressing mood. He was much more angrier the past few days, but had no energy to continue on with it. I hugged him tightly, knowing he and I needed it. My heart fluttered as he returned the gesture, rubbing a hand on my back.

"Harry, do wanna maybe play a game of chess with us?" Hermione chimed in, offering a kind distraction from his stress. Ever since the tournament, his scar burned every once in awhile as he described it. I often tried to find ways to switch his focus.

"Um...that's alright," another weak smile. "I think I'll just be upstairs."

He walked past both the twins, only being a few inches shorter. They clapped a comforting hand on his shoulder, just like they'd do after a Quidditch match ended in a loss. Harry trudged up the stairs, disappearing with a sound of a door closing. Normally he'd room with Ron, but he opted for Charlie's empty room.

"So, anyone still wanna play chess?" Ron broke the heavy silence.

"Okay, yeah," Ginny nodded with a smile. "This time I know I'll beat you."

"I think I'll pass this time, I wanna at least try to talk to Harry," I said.

My friends nodded, Hermione and Ginny giving an encouraging smile. George moved to the coffee table to set up a game of exploding snap with Fred, who I brushed passed on my way up to Charlie's room.

"Good luck," Fred said with a sarcastic wink.

"Thanks, I'll need it," I sighed with a weak laugh.

I followed the winding, creaky stairs to Charlie's room, hoping not to make too much noise if Harry were sleeping. I stopped in front of the door, almost knocking but stopping my hand. What if he didn't want to talk to me?

I shook the thought from my head and knocked anyway. Harry's voice called with a "come in" so I stepped into the room. He was laying on his back, twirling his wand in his fingers and staring blankly into the ceiling.

"Hey..." I stood awkwardly in front of him, not really sure what to do.

"No offense, but I'm not really in the mood to talk," his eyes shifted to mine, my body felt like it froze.

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