Act Like a GryffindorFred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader

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Not mine! Creds to @hp-imagines-07

Type: really fluff and kinda funny

"Hey, [y/n]. Ready for the practice?" You heard a known voice coming from behind you and you turned around, seeing George walking to the pitch and also to you.

"Always, George. I'm always ready for quidditch." You said and started to walk beside him, as both of you were going to the same destination anyway. "Do you know where Fred is? I didn't saw him the whole day." You asked and looked at your left, seeing George smirking at you and anyone could know why he was looking like this just after you said something about Fred, what made you roll your eyes at the redhead one.

"Well, I don't know either. Just saw him at the classes that we have together, but he wasn't even having lunch at the Great Hall." He said while you two walked into the pitch, holding your brooms and with a thinking expression.

You signed and looked at him with a face that screams 'aRE YOU FUCKING STUPID?'. "And you don't think that it's weird or get worried?"

George just shook his head and went to his position, so the practice could start. As you all started to train, Fred appeared from nowhere and started to play but looked like anyone noticed that he was missing until he got there late.

The train was really intense and tiring, ok you were almost dying at the end of it. But you noticed that Fred was kinda off the whole hour, well he almost fell off his broom so many times that you stopped counting when it got to 6... All of the players got to the floor and you could see everyone literally sweating and breathing heavily kinda gross but whatever. You were going to the vesting room to take a good bath and smell good again, but you were stopped by a hand holding your wrist.

"Hey, princess." Fred's voice got to your ears before you could even turn around to see him and your cheeks started becoming warmer and redder. As your eyes found his, you could notice all of your friends around you two by your panoramic vision. "Were you worried about me?" The redheaded one asked and while you rolled your eyes and took your wrist out of his hand against what you actually wanted to do, everyone around you let out a few gross noises. They were all tired about Fred making fun of you. "Or you just missed me?"

"Oh, c'mon, Fred!"

"Could you not say anything for once?"

"You never shut up?"

"Let the girl be!"

Your friends said at the same time and you understood just a few of them. But you were too embarrassed to trust on your voice and be sure that you wouldn't stutter - and give him the satisfaction, never - so you just blushed harder and went to the vesting room again.

You just wanted to stab yourself with a big knife by being so shy, you thought about the perfect answer if you had said 'in your dreams, Weasley...' he would stop to joke about your feelings towards him.

"I should act like a Gryffindor..."


You slowly opened your eyes and blinked a few times, so your vision would get used to all the sunshine that was passing through the big window next to your bed, that was with the curtains open.

As you started to see things and not just black points, you were able to see Hermione looking at you. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She said and you noticed her coming closer to your bed, while your hand scratched your eyes.

"What time is it?" Your voice was deep and raspy, but even if you didn't notice it, for anyone around, looked like you were dying or that you were just drunk.

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