Where are you?

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One shot 5: Where are you?

Warning: suicide attempt.

Do not read if you are sensitive to it.

Gulf is crying on the police station. His brother, Bright, sits next to him and holds his hand. Mew, Gulf's husband, has been missing for three weeks. Gulf is broken. He does not know where Mew is. His phone was found but broken. But there is no trace of Mew. Gulf is very concerned that something may have happened to Mew.

"We will do everything we can to find your husband." Says the agent. "Then try harder. Don't you see what my little brother looks like now? He is broken. So, try harder." Bright says. He looks straight at the officer. The cop sighs. "We're really doing our best." Says the agent. "Not enough yet." Bright says.

"I understand that you want to find him, I want that too. But we also have other issues that we have to solve." Says the agent. "MY BROTHER'S MAN IS MISSING. FOCUS ON THIS. GODDAMN." Bright shouts. Gulf is shocked. "Sorry." Bright immediately tells Gulf. Gulf rests his head against Bright's shoulder.

"We're doing our best okay? It's not easy." Says the agent. "Keep doing your job. That's all I'm asking." Bright says. The officer nods. "Will be fine. Believe me." Says the agent. Bright nods. Then Bright and Gulf go home again, where Win is waiting for them. Win is Bright's husband. Actually, Win is Bright's wifey. ;)

Win and Bright moved in with Gulf since Mew went missing. They do not want to leave Gulf alone. Which makes sense.

Bright and Gulf walk inside the house. Suddenly Win is standing in the hallway. He hugs Gulf. Bright smiles. "How was the police station?" Win asks when he lets go of Gulf. Bright explains everything as they walk into the living room. "What? They just have to go find Mew." Win says. He clenches his fists. "Babe, calm down." Bright says. He puts his hand on Win's. Win takes a deep breath.

"They're going to do their best, until then we can't do much." Bright says. Win nods slowly. He looks at Gulf with concern. "Know we're here for you, Gulf. No matter what." Win says. Gulf smiles a little. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it." Gulf says. "No problem, we are family." Win says. Gulf smiles.

One month later. Mew has still not been found. Gulf is getting more depressed by the day. He has even now locked himself in his room. He does not eat, drink, or talk. Bright and Win are very concerned. Every day they try to talk to Gulf, but Gulf does not answer. They also try to enter the room, but nothing helps.

"Gulf, come on. You have to get out of the room." Bright says. He is sitting against Gulf's room door. Gulf is not responding. Bright sighs deeply. "Come out. You need to eat and drink something." Bright says. Gulf is unresponsive again. Win, sitting next to Bright, looks at Bright. Bright shrugs. Win does the same.

Then Bright is called. Bright takes his phone out of his pocket and answers. "Hello, with Bright?" Win looks curiously at Bright. And he gets even more curious when Bright's eyes widen.

Bright hangs up and looks at Win in disbelief. "What's the matter? Who was that?" Win asks curiously. Bright starts to smile broadly. "It was the police. They found Mew." Bright says. "Really? Oh my god. Where is he?" Win asks. "The hospital." Bright says. Win nods.

"Gulf, they found Mew. He's in the hospital now." Bright says and gets up. He is waiting, hoping to hear from Gulf. But Gulf is not responding. Bright sighs. "Then just like that." He says and then kicks in the door. He bursts into the room.

He is startled when he sees Gulf lying on the bed, as white as a ghost. "WIN CALL THE AMBULANCE, NOW." Bright screams. He feels Gulf's pulse. "No heartbeat. I'm going to do CPR." Bright says. He puts Gulf on the ground and starts CPR. While Win calls the ambulance, he looks at Bright and Gulf in shock. Then he looks at the empty jar on the floor. Gulf took pills.

They arrive at the hospital. The ambulance brothers rush into the hospital with the gurney with Gulf on it. Bright and Win run after them. Until they enter a room that Bright and Win are not allowed to enter. Bright and Win sit nervously in the chairs. "Oh my god. Please let Gulf survive." Bright says. Win takes his hand. "It's going to be okay babe. They will save Gulf. I'm absolutely convinced." Says Win says.

Bright looks at Win with tears in his eyes. "I can't lose him, Win. He is my little brother. He has to survive this." Bright says. He starts to cry softly. Win turns to Bright. Gulf is strong. He is going to survive this. Win says. He grabs Bright. "Cry out. I'm here." Win says. And then Bright bursts into tears. Win gently rubs his hand over Bright's back.

At that moment, an agent walks up to them. "Bright, Win. What are you doing here?" Asks the agent. "I thought you were with Mew." Says the agent. Bright and Win look up. Gulf. Bright says before starting to cry again. "Gulf tried to commit suicide. They are busy with him." Win explains. The cop is shocked.

"How bad. I hope he makes it." Says the agent. Win smiles. Win, do you mind if I go over to Mew and you wait here? Bright looks questioningly at Win. Win nods. "Go on, honey. I'll wait here." Win says. Bright nods and kisses Win. Then Bright and the cop walk away. Win sigh deeply. "Come on, Gulf, don't let us down." Win mumbles.

After a while, Bright returns, but not alone. Mew walks next to him. Except for major bruises, Mew appears to be fine. "Any news about him?" Mew asks immediately. Win shakes his head. "Not yet." Win says. Mew nods. He sighs deeply and starts to walk back and forth nervously. "Mew, sit down. You gotta take it easy from the doctor." Bright says. Mew shakes his head.

"I don't care. I won't calm down until I know more about Gulf." Mew says. At that moment, a doctor comes out of the room. He walks up to them. "Family of Gulf Kanawut - Suppasit?" Asks the doctor. "That's us. I'm his husband." Mew says. The doctor nods.

"How is he doing?" Bright asks. "We were able to save him. Mr. Kanawut - Suppasit is stable." Says the doctor. Everyone sighs with relief. "Can we see him?" Mew asks. The doctor nods. "But take it easy. He needs rest." Says the doctor. Everyone nods. Then they walk into the room with the doctor.

They watch Gulf asleep in a hospital bed. Mew sits next to his bed and holds Gulf's hand. He presses a kiss on it. "Baby. My baby." Mew whispers. At that point, Gulf slowly opens his eyes. Mew smiles. "Hey sleeping beauty." Mew says. Gulf looks at him and then starts to cry.

"Do not Cry Baby." Mew says. "I can't stand it when you cry. Then I have to cry too." Mew says. Tears are in his eyes too. "M-Mew." Gulf says in a husky voice. "I'm here babe. I am here. It really is." Mew says. He wipes Gulf's tears with his thumb. "Where were you?" Gulf asks. "I was kidnapped baby. But it is okay. I'm okay." Mew says. Bright and Win sneak out of the room. They decide to give the two some space.

"I've missed you so much." Gulf says. "Me you too babe. But I am back. And the kidnappers are going to jail for good." Mew says. Gulf nods slowly. "Anyway. Now about you." Mew says. Gulf swallows. "Why babe? Why?" Mew asks. Gulf sighs. "I couldn't take it anymore. I was afraid I had lost you forever. So, I wanted to free myself from the pain." Gulf says. Mew remains silent.

"Babe. You haven't lost me." Mew says. "But I thought so at first. I was broken Mew. Broken." Gulf says. "I know." Mew says. He runs his hand through Gulf's hair. "But you haven't lost me. And I have not lost you. I am going to help you babe. I am going to help you through this. I am going to help you pick up your life again. To start eating." Mew says. Gulf nods. "You're the best." Gulf says. "No, you." Mew says. Gulf smiles.

"We are both the best." Gulf says. Mew nods. "Definitely, love." Mew says. Gulf smiles. Mew lies down on the bed next to Gulf and wraps his arms around Gulf.

"I love you." Mew says.

"I love you too." Gulf says.

And with those words they fall asleep.

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