Car accident.

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One shot 15: Car accident.

Gulf is sprawled out on the couch with Mew. They are watching a movie. But they're more into each other than the movie, if you know what I mean. Mew puts his hands on Gulf's ass. He squeezes it gently. Gulf starts to moan softly. Mew grins. "Mew." Gulf groans Mew's name. Mew grins. "Let's go upstairs." Mew whispers seductively in Gulf's ear. Gulf nods. Mew walks upstairs with Gulf in his arms. You can decide for yourself what happens in the bedroom.

The next day Mew is already at work when Gulf wakes up. Gulf sighs and gets out of bed. He takes a hot shower and then gets dressed. Then he walks back into the bedroom where he takes his phone off the charger. Gulf walks downstairs and straight into the kitchen. He makes pancakes for breakfast for himself and eats it quietly at the dinner table.

While Gulf eats, he checks Instagram on his phone. He is soon done with breakfast. Gulf puts everything in the dishwasher and then sits down on the living room couch. When he is just sitting, the doorbell rings. Gulf gets up and walks to the hall. He opens the front door and sees Tay standing.

"Hey P'Tay." Gulf says. They hug and then Gulf lets in Tay. Tay closes the door behind him and takes off his shoes. They walk into the living room together. "So where's Mew?" Tay asks. "He's at work. Would you like something to drink?" Gulf asks. "Coke is fine." Tay says. Gulf nods and walks into the kitchen.

Not much later, Gulf returns with two glasses of Coke. He puts the glasses down on the table and then sits down next to Tay on the sofa. "So how are you at work?" Tay asks Gulf. "Okay, now I have a week off." Gulf says. Tay nods. "Nice." Tay says. Gulf nods.

After a few hours, Gulf is alone again. Mew can come home any minute now. Gulf cooked for them. Everything is ready. Gulf is now just waiting for Mew. After an hour, Mew isn't home yet. So he should have been home by now. Gulf sighs and tries to call Mew again. But Mew is not answering.

Two hours have passed, Mew is still not home. Gulf is deeply concerned. Suddenly his phone rings. An unknown number. Gulf sighs and answers. And what he hears, let him fall to the ground. Tears roll down his cheeks.

Not much later, Gulf is in the car. He is on his way to the hospital. Mew has been in a car accident and is in hospital. Gulf couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Gulf arrives at the hospital. He parks the car and jumps out. He locks the car and then runs into the hospital. He runs to the reception. "I'm here for Mew Suppasit." Gulf says. The woman looks at him. "I'll just call for you." She says. Gulf nods. The woman starts calling and Gulf takes a look around.

"Sir?" Says the woman when she is done calling. Gulf looks at her. "Someone is coming to you in a minute. Can you wait here?" She asks. Gulf nods. He stands to the side and waits for a doctor to come to him.

Not much later, a doctor comes to Gulf. "You are Mew Suppasit's boyfriend?" Asks the doctor. Gulf nods. "Okay, follow me." says the doctor. He starts to walk. Gulf follows him.

Not much later they stop in front of a closed door. "Your boyfriend is here. He's been lucky, it could have ended much worse." Says the doctor. "How is he doing?" Gulf asks. "He has mild concussion and bruised ribs." Says the doctor. "For the rest he was lucky." Says the doctor. Gulf sighs with relief.

"When can he go home?" Gulf asks. "I want to keep him here one more night for observation." Says the doctor. Gulf nods. "May I see him now?" Gulf asks. The doctor nods. "Just take it easy." Says the doctor. Gulf nods and the doctor walks away. Gulf sighs deeply.

Then Gulf walks in. He walks to Mew's bed. He sees Mew sleeping. Gulf smiles and sits on the chair next to his bed. Gulf slowly takes Mew's hand. He presses a kiss on it. And then Mew opens his eyes. He is smiling. "Hey babe." Mew says. Gulf smiles back. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Gulf asks. "All right. Pain in my ribs." Mew says. Gulf nods.

"I was shocked when I got a call and was told you had been in a car accident." Gulf says. A tear rolls down his cheek. Mew gently moves his hand to Gulf's cheek. He wipes away Gulf's tears and strokes Gulf's cheek. "Were you afraid?" Mew asks. Gulf nods. "Don't be scared babe. I'm still here." Mew says.

"I was so scared I lost you." Gulf says. "I'm still there babe, you can't get rid of me that easy." Mew says. Gulf smiles. "There's that beautiful smile of yours that I love so much." Mew says. Gulf begins to blush. "I love you." Gulf says. "I love you too." Mew says. Gulf smiles.

The next morning, Gulf arrives early in the hospital to pick up Mew. Gulf walks into the room and sees Mew sitting up in bed. "Hey, love." Mew says and smiles broadly. "Hey." Gulf says, carefully sitting on the bed next to Mew. Mew kisses Gulf's cheek.

"Slept good?" Gulf asks. "Not too bad. Of course I missed you." Mew says. Gulf smiles. "I missed you too. I'm glad you're next to me tonight." Gulf says. "Or maybe later." Mew says and winks at Gulf. "As much as I would like that, that is not possible. You have to be careful, the doctor said." Gulf says.

"Since when have I been listening to a doctor? I always only listen to myself. Or to you." Mew says. "Then listen to me. You have to take it easy." Gulf says. Mew chuckles. "Good then. But only for you." Mew says. Gulf smiles with satisfaction.

"Shall we go home?" Gulf asks. "Or do you have to wait for the doctor?" Gulf asks. Mew shakes his head. "No, the doctor has already been so we can go." Mew says. Gulf nods and gets up. Mew also gets up. "Careful." Gulf says immediately. "Yes mom." Mew says teasingly. Gulf starts to laugh. Mew starts to laugh too.

But he soon stops laughing because his ribs hurt. "Don't make me laugh anymore." Mew says. Gulf chuckles. "Okay, let's really go now." Gulf says. Mew nods and takes Gulf's hand. They walk out of the room hand in hand.

Gulf takes good care of Mew those weeks. And after two months, Mew has finally recovered. And guess what they did immediately? ;)

Bit unsure about this one shot. What did you think about it? Please let me know. Thanks! X

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