Valentine's Day..

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One shot 7: Valentine's Day

Gulf walks through the school and sighs deeply when he sees posters about Valentine's Day everywhere. Gulf growls. Valentine's Day. What's nice about that if you don't have anyone with you to celebrate? So, nothing. There's nothing fun about Valentine's Day if you can't celebrate with anyone.

Suddenly Gun (Atthaphan) comes running towards Gulf. "Gulf." Gun says and gives Gulf a hug. Gulf smiles and hugs Gun back. "Happy Valentine's Day, Gulf." Gun says. Gulf sighs and rolls his eyes. "Why do you hate Valentine's Day so much?" Gun asks. "I don't hate it. But I don't have anyone to celebrate Valentine's Day. That is why I don't like it. Not liking something is different from hating something." Gulf says. Gun chuckles. "Maybe you should find someone then." Gun says.

Gulf playfully slaps Gun's arm. "Who would want me?" Gulf asks. "Uh, you know how many guys want to ask you out?" Reply Gun. Gulf shrugs. "I don't know. Tell me." Gulf says. "There are plenty of guys who want to ask you out, but you just don't see it." Gun says. Gulf rolls his eyes.

Everyone wants me because of how I look. Not because of how I really am. Gulf says. Gun says. "Not so negative." Gun says. Gulf sighs. "It's just like that, Gun." Gulf says. Gun sighs deeply.

"What you say." Mumbles Gun. "So, where's Off?" Gulf asks. "I don't know, I'm already looking for him, but I can't find him anywhere." Gun says. "Hmm, strange. Have you tried texting or calling him yet?" Gulf asks. Gun nods. "No response. I really don't know where he can be." Gun says. "I've searched everywhere. But papii is nowhere to be found." Gun says. He looks a bit sad.

Gulf puts his hand on Gun's shoulder. "Don't be sad, he will come soon." Gulf says. Gun smiles. "Thank you." Gun says. Gulf smiles at his best friend.

At that moment Off is behind Gun. He taps Gun's shoulder and Gun turns around. He immediately hugs Off. "Papii, where were you now? I was looking everywhere for you." Gun says. Off chuckles. They let go of each other again. "Sorry babe, I had to arrange something. But here I am." Says Off. Gun nods.

"Gun was worried because he couldn't find you and you didn't respond to text messages and his call." Gulf says. Off chuckles. "Sorry again babe. But I'm here now." Says Off. Gun smiles and nods. "Gulf, do you mind if I steal Gun from you?" Asks Off. Gulf chuckles. "No problem go ahead. You can take Gun with you." Gulf says.

"Papii, what are we going to do?" Gun asks. "I'm kidnapping you. That's all I say." Says Off. He puts a blindfold on Gun. Gun is startled. Off takes his hands. "Relax babe. It's nothing bad." Off says. Gun a deep breath. "Okay papii. I trust you." Gun says. Off smiles. Then they leave. Gulf sighs.

After class, Gulf walks to his locker. He opens his locker, and a lot of red envelopes fall out. Gulf sighs deeply before kneeling and picking up the envelopes. Then he puts the envelopes in the trash can and takes out his history book. He closes his locker and walks to class.

Gulf is busy with his work in class when there is a knock on the door. Everyone in the class immediately looks at the door. The door opens and Mew, a fourth-year student, enters the class. Lots of girls start to giggle. Mew is very handsome and so extremely popular. With both the girls and the boys. But Mew likes guys. The girls think that's a pity, but on the other hand also cute.

"What are you doing here, 'P'Mew?" Asks Earn, Gulf's classmate. Mew smiles. "I'm here for Gulf Kanawut. Is he here?" Mew asks, then looks around the class. Then he spots Gulf, who immediately hides his head behind his book. Mew chuckles. "Never mind. I've already found Gulf." Mew says as he begins to walk to Gulf's table. Girls start to whisper and giggle.

Everyone stares at Gulf and Mew, who is now at his table. "What does my crush want from me?" Runs through Gulf's mind. "Gulf?" Gulf looks up and looks straight into Mew's brown eyes. Mew is kneeling in front of Gulf's table. Gulf swallows. "Can I talk to you?" Mew asks. "Um, is that possible here?" Gulf asks shyly. "You can, if you want." Mew says. Gulf nods slowly.

"So, I was wondering if you're in a relationship yet." Mew says. Gulf's classmates start to scream. Mew chuckles. Gulf begins to blush. Gulf slowly shakes his head. "So, you're single?" Mew asks. Gulf nods. Mew grins and nods in satisfaction. He starts to whistle and then someone enters the classroom with a bunch of red roses. Girls start to scream even louder. The boy gives the roses to Mew before running away again.

Mew looks at Gulf and gets down on one knee. "Dear Gulf, do you want to be my valentine?" Mew asks. Gulf looks shocked. Everyone is screaming and filming it. "SAY YES." Calls Earn to Gulf. Gulf did not see this coming. "So, do you want to be my valentine? My valentine, my sweetheart, my boyfriend?" Mew asks again. Still shocked, Gulf slowly starts to nod.

Everyone in the class starts to cheer. Mew smiles and hands Gulf the bunch of red roses. Then he gets up and kisses Gulf's forehead. Then he hugs Gulf. Still shocked, Gulf hugs Mew back. He holds the bunch of roses.

Mew withdraws from the hug. "Happy Valentine's Day babe." Mew says. "Happy Valentine's Day." Gulf whispers back. Mew chuckles and hugs Gulf again. "My cutie." Goes through Mew's head while holding Gulf.

Especially for Valentine's Day a one shot about Valentine's Day. Hopefully you liked him. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

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