Don't you love me anymore?

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One shot 12: Don't you love me anymore?

Gulf comes home from work and sees that Mew is not home yet. Mew has been his husband for two years now. Only in the last few weeks Mew has suddenly acted very weird. He is curt to Gulf, even sleeps in the guest bedroom. Gulf no longer understands it. Maybe it is stress at work, Gulf thinks. Although that is no reason to act like that of course.

Gulf sighs and walks into the kitchen to cook dinner. He is hungry but does not feel like waiting for Mew. When Gulf has finished cooking, he eats it in the living room on the couch.

After ten minutes, Gulf hears the front door open. Gulf sighs. And then Mew enters the living room. "Hey babe." Gulf says. Mew just nods and then walks into the kitchen. Gulf sighs deeply.

Gulf gets up and walks into the kitchen. He sees Mew sitting at the kitchen table. Mew looks up. "Didn't you cook for me?" Mew asks. "Sorry, I didn't know what time you would be home." Gulf says. Mew rolls his eyes. "Yeah, what? You come home late so often lately. I'm not going to wait for you anymore." Gulf says. Mew sighs.

"What's wrong with you?" Mew asks. "Are you seriously asking me that now?" Gulf asks. He crosses his arms. "You can hear that." Mew says. "Oh my god. Stop that attitude for once." Gulf says. "What attitude?" Mew asks. "Never mind." Gulf says. "Say then." Mew says. Gulf sighs deeply.

"Are you really not aware of what you are doing?" Gulf asks. "What am I doing then?" Mew asks. Gulf slaps his hand on the table. "Are you stupid or are you pretending?" Gulf asks. "I do not know what you're talking about." Mew says. "Then just think." Gulf says. He storms out of the kitchen. Mew rolls his eyes and checks his phone again.

The next morning, Gulf comes down. Miraculously, Mew is sitting on the couch. "Don't you have to go to work?" Gulf asks. Mew looks up. "I have a day off. Or is that not allowed by you?" Mew asks. Gulf sighs. "We have to talk now. Because this is no longer the case." Gulf says. He sits down on the couch next to Mew. Mew is moving up a bit from Gulf. Gulf raises an eyebrow.

"What's wrong with you?" Gulf asks. "Nothing Why?" Mew asks. "You are distant to me." Gulf says. "Your attitude towards me has changed. You sleep in a spare room. Even now you don't even want to sit next to me. What is going on?" Gulf asks. Mew remains silent. "Answer me, damn it." Gulf says.

"What do you want me to say?" Mew asks. "Oh my god. Just tell me what's the matter with you." Gulf says. "There is nothing." Mew says. "WHY ARE YOU BEING SO COMMON TO ME?" Gulf shouts. He is frustrated. Mew sighs. "Don't you love me anymore? Is that it?" Gulf asks. "I still love you. Very much indeed." Mew says.

"Then give me a reason why you're so distant to me." Gulf says. Mew sighs. "Sorry." Mew says. "That's not what I want to hear now." Gulf says. "I want to know what's wrong with you." Gulf says. Mew sighs deeply. Of course, Mew knows he is wrong. He knows that all too well.

"I'm being blackmailed at work." Mew says. Gulf raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Who is blackmailing you?" Gulf asks. "My boss." Mew says. Mew scared Gulf. "Why?" Gulf asks. "Please don't get mad at me." Mew says. "Just tell me." Gulf says. Mew nods.

"I accidentally kissed her." Mew says. Gulf remains silent. "It was that night I had dinner with my work. I had been drinking quite a lot and thought I saw you. But it was my boss. But I only found out after the kiss." Mew says. Gulf sighs. "Now she's after me." Mew says.

"And now she's blackmailing me all the time that if I didn't act like a jerk to you, she'd hurt you." Mew says. "I'm so sorry. I never wanted to treat you like that." Mew says. A tear rolls down his cheek. Gulf sighs deeply. "Okay." Gulf says then. "Okay? Is that it? You're just saying okay?" Mew asks. "What else am I supposed to say?" Gulf asks. "Aren't you going to scold me? Aren't you going to hit me?" Mew asks.

"As tempting as it sounds, I'm not going to do that." Gulf says. "Why not?" Mew asks. "Because I can get over this. But I would like to talk to that boss of yours." Gulf says. "Because she has to keep her claws off my husband. MY husband." Gulf says. He clenches his fists. "She's the one wrong. Not you." Gulf says.

"You deserve much better than me, you know that." Mew says. Gulf smiles. "I know." Gulf says. "And now? What are we going to do now?" Mew asks. Gulf sighs deeply. "I want to talk to your boss." Gulf says then. "Is that a good idea?" Mew asks. "Someone has to talk to her." Gulf says. "Yeah, but I know how you are babe." Mew says. "So? She deserves it. Someone has to teach her a lesson." Gulf says.

Mew sighs. "Babe, please don't. You're going to regret it later." Mew says. Gulf is pouting. "Why are you always right." Gulf says. Mew chuckles. "Because I've known you longer than today babe. I know what you are like when you're mad." Mew says. Gulf nods.

"Okay, I won't talk to her. But then you have to quit. You can no longer work there." Gulf says. "But where should I work then?" Mew asks. "With me. I am CEO remember? You have to join me in the company." Gulf says. "But." Mew tries. "No buts. You come to work at my company. Period." Gulf says. Mew sighs but then nods anyway.

"I'm really sorry for being a jerk." Mew says. Gulf sighs. "It's okay. I forgive you. But just tell me next time." Gulf says. Mew nods. "Promise." Mew says. Gulf smiles. "And now I'm going to make it up to you." Mew says. He lifts Gulf. "How?" Gulf asks and grins. "I'll show you that upstairs in the bedroom." Mew says and grins too.

Mew begins to climb the stairs with Gulf in his arms. Gulf has pressed his face to Mew's neck. He presses kisses on Mew's neck. Mew smiles and walks into the bedroom. He closes the door with his foot. And you can guess what happens in the bedroom. : D

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