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One shot 16: Fight.

Mew is sitting on the couch watching a movie on the TV. He's in his pajamas because it's Sunday. Then Gulf enters the living room, dressed. Mew looks at Gulf. "What are you going to do?" Mew asks curiously. "I have a meeting with P'Sun." Gulf says. Mew sighs deeply and pauses the movie. He gets up and stands in front of Gulf.

"Could you maybe cancel it?" Mew asks. Gulf raises an eyebrow. "How so?" Gulf asks. "I don't want you to meet up together." Mew says. "We get that again." Gulf says. He sighs deeply and sits on the table. Mew stands in front of him, again.

"Why don't you want me to meet him?" Gulf asks. "Because I don't trust him." Mew says. "Why not? P'Sun is very nice." Gulf says. Mew rolls his eyes. "I feel like Sun is in love with you." Mew says. Gulf starts to laugh. "Are you serious?" Gulf asks when he's finished laughing. Mew nods. "I'm dead serious." Mew says.

"Sun is not in love with me. We are just good friends." Gulf says. "And yet I think he's in love with you. So, will you please cancel him?" Mew asks again. Gulf sighs deeply. "No Mew. I'm not going to cancel it. We're just going to hang out as friends. Don't worry." Gulf says. "I'm worried." Mew says. Gulf sighs.

"I'm just going to meet up with P'Sun." Gulf says. "No you won't." says Mew. "You don't decide that." Gulf says. He crosses his arms. "If I say no, then it is also no." Mew says. "You may be my boyfriend, but you don't have to and can't determine everything for me." Gulf says. Mew sighs. "Just cancel Sun. Then there is nothing wrong." Mew says.

"You can't make me, Mew." Gulf says. "I just don't want you to go." Mew says. "Too bad for you then. If I want to go, I'll go." Gulf says. He gets up from the table. "And I say no." Mew says. "Mew, you can't determine that for me." Gulf says. "I'm your boyfriend, you have to listen to me." Mew says.

"You may be my boyfriend but you are not my father." Gulf says. "So? If I say you can't go, it just be." Mew says. "Oh my god, stop this." Gulf says. Mew shakes his head. "No, you stay here." Mew says. Gulf growls. "Mew you really have to stop now." Gulf says.

Mew sighs deeply. "So you would like to go? Fine, go ahead. Go and meet with Sun. If necessary, go to a hotel with him and have a good night with him." Mew says. Gulf clenches his fists. "You really are a jerk." Hisses Gulf. "Go to your new boyfriend then. If you go now, it's over between us." Mew says.

Gulf slaps Mew on the jaw. Mew moans in pain. He looks at Gulf. "Jerk." Gulf says. He storms out of the living room. Not much later, Mew hears the front door slam. Mew sighs deeply.

Gulf is in a bar with Sun. They both have a cup of coffee in front of them. Gulf sighs deeply. "So you hit him?" Asks Sun. Gulf nods. He looks at his bleeding knuckles. "He really deserved it at the time." Gulf says. Sun nods slowly. "And now? What are you up to now?" Asks Sun. Gulf shrugs.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll sleep in a hotel tonight. I really don't feel like going back home." Gulf says. Sun understandably nods. "Do you want me to talk to Mew?" Asks Sun. Gulf shakes his head. "Don't do it, or he might get even more angry." Gulf says. Sun nods. "I really want to do it for you." Sun says. "Nice of you, but it can only get worse and I don't want that." Gulf says. Sun nods.

Gulf has decided to go back home after all. At the moment he is at the door of his house. He sighs deeply before putting the key in the lock. He turns the key and the door opens. Gulf walks in and closes the door. He takes off his shoes and coat and puts away his keys. Then he walks into the living room.

He sees Mew sitting on the couch. Mew looks up when he hears footsteps. "Hey." Gulf says. Mew doesn't answer and watches TV again. Gulf sighs. "Are you going to ignore me now?" Gulf asks. Mew doesn't answer. Gulf feels irritated.

"Mew, don't ignore me now." Gulf says. He's still trying to hold back. Mew looks at Gulf. He sighs. "What do you want me to say?" Mew asks. "Maybe it would be useful to talk out our argument." Gulf says. "I really don't want to argue with you." Gulf says. Mew sees that Gulf is content not to cry. He sighs and gets up.

"Do not Cry." Mew says and grabs Gulf. And then Gulf starts to cry. Mew pulls Gulf against him. "I'm sorry." Mew says. "I went too far. Sorry." Mew says. "I hate arguing with you." Gulf says. "I know honey. I hate arguing with you too." Mew says.

Mew releases Gulf. "Sorry for everything I said to you. I was just an envious bastard." Mew says. "Why were you jealous?" Gulf asks. "Because Sun is very, very handsome. I was afraid he would be in love with you and that you would fall in love with him too." Mew says. He looks sad.

"Honey, I could never fall in love with Sun." Gulf says. "Why not? He's fucking handsome." Mew says. "I know. But he's also married." Gulf says. "What?" Mew asks in surprise. Gulf starts to laugh. "He got married two weeks ago. I wanted to tell you but you didn't want to know about him." Gulf says. Mew turns red.

Gulf smiles and hugs him. "Now I feel even more guilty." Mew says. "No need, it's okay. I forgive you." Gulf says. Mew looks at Gulf. "Really?" Mew asks. Gulf nods. "Sorry I hit you." Gulf says. "I deserved it." Mew says. "That's right." Gulf says. Mew starts to tickle Gulf. Gulf starts to laugh out loud. Since Gulf has an infectious laugh, Mew starts to laugh too.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight. I'll pay to make it up to you." Mew says. Gulf nods. "Yes, please." Gulf says. Mew smiles and puts his arms around Gulf's waist. "I love you." Mew says. "I love you too." Gulf says. Mew kisses Gulf. Gulf kisses him back. The kiss gets more passionate and then they go upstairs. You can decide for yourself what happens next.

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