My boss... 1/2

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One shot 13: My boss...1/2

Gulf sighs deeply as he puts on his black tuxedo. "So where are you going again?" Asks his sister, Earn. Gulf looks at her and sighs. "There is a party at work tonight. And at that party we will also meet our new boss." Gulf says. Earn nods. "Is it a man or a woman?" Earn asks. "As far as I have heard it is a man and his name is Mew Suppasit. I don't know any more." Gulf says. Earn nods.

"Mew Suppasit. That name sounds sexy." Earn says. Gulf chuckles. "Why are you chuckling? Maybe he is a nice guy for you." Earn says. Gulf rolls his eyes. "You know I don't want a relationship anymore. Not after, you know who." Gulf says. Earn sighs.

"You have to forget about him. He is not worth it. You deserve much better." Earn says. Gulf sighs deeply. "I will never be able to fall in love again. He broke me. And I don't want that again." Gulf says. "So, I will never fall in love with another person again. I don't want a broken heart anymore." Gulf says. Earn sighs deeply.

"Okay then. Let's just stop talking about it." Earn says. Gulf nods. When Gulf is all done, he walks downstairs with Earn where they have dinner together. The party at Gulf's work won't start for an hour and a half. After they have finished eating, Gulf looks at the clock. "I have to go. You don't have to stay up because I can be home late." Gulf says. Earn smiles. "I don't go to bed until you get home." She says. Gulf rolls his eyes but then nods anyway. He hugs Earn and then leaves. On the way to the party.

Gulf is now at the party. He is talking to his colleague. "So, I wonder what our new boss looks like." Ohm says. Gulf nods. "Maybe he's someone for you." Ohm says. Gulf sighs deeply. "Stop that. I do not want a relationship anymore. You know that." Gulf says. Ohm sigh. "You can try it, right?" Ohm asks carefully. "No." Gulf says. He crosses his arms.

"Don't you want to be happy anymore?" Asks Ohm. "I'm happy already. I can't get any happier than this." Gulf says. Ohm rolls his eyes. "Maybe you will fall in love with our new boss." Ohm says. "No, really. And even if I had feelings, I would ignore those feelings." Gulf says. Ohm sigh. "Fine. Whatever you want." Ohm says. Gulf nods with satisfaction.

"Guys, the boss will be right there." Nam says as she walks to Gulf and Ohm. "Oh god. I'm so nervous." Ohm says. Gulf gives him a strange look. "Why? There's no need for that." Gulf says. Ohm shrugs. "I don't know. It's different with a new boss." Ohm says. Gulf sighs and nods.

And then after a few minutes, a handsome man enters the room. He walks on to the stage and stands in front of the microphone. Everyone looks at him. Lots of women begin to whisper and giggle. And Gulf? Gulf's mouth just doesn't open in surprise. He is amazed at how handsome his new boss is. Ohm sees Gulf's reaction and chuckles.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mew Suppasit and I am your new boss. I am really looking forward to our cooperation. Hopefully, it will be a good time together. If you have any questions, you can always contact me." Mew says. Everyone starts to applaud. "Have a nice evening everyone. Enjoy this party." Mew says. Everyone starts to cheer, and Mew walks off the stage.

"So, what a handsome guy, isn't it?" Ohm says. He looks at Gulf. Gulf begins to blush slightly. Ohm chuckles. "Are you sure you don't want a relationship anymore?" Asks Ohm. Gulf sighs. "I'm very sure." Gulf says. "But you think he's handsome, right?" Asks Ohm. "Yes." Gulf says. Ohm chuckles.

Ohm and Gulf talk until suddenly Mew comes their way. Gulf immediately stops talking. Ohm shakes his head, laughing. "Hey boys." Mew says and smiles friendly. "Hey Mr. Suppasit." Ohm says politely. Mew smiles. "No need to be so formal. Call me Mew." Mew says. Ohm nods. Mew looks at Gulf.

"You are Ohm and Gulf right?" Mew asks. Ohm nods. "I'm Ohm and my single friend next to me is Gulf." Ohm says. Mew nods. Gulf glares at Ohm. "Why do you have to say I'm single again?" Gulf asks. "Just." Ohm says. Gulf growls and walks away.

"Oh." Mew says and watches Gulf. "Sorry about Gulf. He's still going through a rough time." Ohm says. "Surely he has a difficult past with relationships?" Mew asks. Ohm nods. "I'll go after him if you don't mind." Ohm says. "You don't have to be so formal with me. And if you don't mind, I'll go after him." Mew says. "Definitely? Gulf can be tough, especially with people he doesn't know." Ohm says.

"No problem. I'm used to something." Mew says. Ohm nods. "Good luck." Ohm says. Mew smiles and then walks in the direction Gulf just went. Ohm sigh. "Hope that goes well." Mumbles Ohm before walking towards Nam.

Gulf is on the roof of the building. He hangs a little over the banister and looks down. Gulf sighs deeply. A tear rolls down his cheek as he reminisces about his time with Pod, his ex-boyfriend. "Bastard. Why did you hurt me so? Thanks to you I lost faith in someone else." Gulf murmurs. He feels himself getting angry. He screams.

"Are you OK?" Gulf suddenly hears from behind him. Gulf turns around in alarm. "Boss." Gulf says. "Call me Mew." Mew says and stands next to Gulf. Gulf sighs and looks down over the edge again. "Do you want to talk about it?" Mew asks. "Why would I?" Gulf asks back. Mew sighs.

"Talking can help." Mew says. Gulf looks at Mew. "I do not even know you." Gulf says. "That's even better. Talking to strangers can be very good. Precisely because you don't know each other." Mew says. Gulf remains silent. He knows Mew is right. "Gulf, we don't really know each other yet, but know you can tell me anything." Mew says.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Gulf asks. "Because I want to help you Gulf. I feel safe with you. I hope you will feel safe with me too." Mew says. "I know you have a bad history with relationships, but not everyone is like that. Everyone is different. Yes, your ex-boyfriend is the wrong one. But there are still so many good guys out there." Mew says. "As long as you believe in it." Mew says.

Gulf begins to cry softly. "You're right." Gulf says, crying. "Can I hug you?" Mew asks. And with those words, Gulf is the one grabbing Mew. Mew smiles and wraps his arms around Gulf too. "That's a yes." Mew says. "Thank you. Thank you for the kind words." Gulf says. "No problem, Gulf. I really want to help you." Mew says. Gulf smiles.

End of part 1. Tomorrow comes part 2: D

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