Chapter 8 ~ Elves' Kitchen

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Monday we had Defence Against Dark Arts class with Professor Sinistra. She was only filling for the fall term. Professor Sinistra was mostly interested in astronomy but because of her role in the First Wizarding World, she was asked to teach us. Professor Sinistra wasn't too bad, we had a class with Hufflepuff students.

That week went by like any other, we had Charms, Transfiguration, History, Flying Lessons, Herbology, and of course Potions. Saturday was the first Quidditch match. Although Fred ended up in the hospital because he got knocked off his broom, Gryffindor won! The Slytherin team cheated multiple times, and we still won. Alicia knocked a Slytherin boy off his broom right when the snitch was caught. Oliver was so thrilled, he almost kissed Alicia. There was a small celebration in the common room, Juniper stayed away from all the food and drinks. It was actually hilarious.

It had been exactly two weeks since we last used the Monile Torque. It caused too much preparation and stress. Juniper told me to occasionally wear it because it needed to remember that I'm still its current owner and what not.

"Guess what?"


"You're supposed to guess, Eileen."

"I don't know, what?"

"Has anyone ever told you, you are very boring?" I simply rolled my eyes at her. "Well--tomorrow's Defence Against Dark Arts class is canceled!"


"Who cares? Do you want to go sneak into the kitchen? Grab some snacks?"

Maia and I headed down to the kitchen through a corridor near the Hufflepuff dormitories. It wasn't too late, and we still had thirty minutes before ten o'clock.

"The house-elves don't mind giving you snacks as long as you are nice to them. I liked to sit and talk to them. Some can actually be funny."

"I know, I used to spend time with them during the day. Especially with Moorey. He was the youngest out of all the other elves." Maia looked shocked. She probably keeps forgetting I spent quite some time at Hogwarts before I was an actual student.

We knocked on the door, and a three-foot-tall elf opened the door. He had large greenish-blue eyes, a pencil-like nose, and pointy ears. They all did. He let us in, and we made our way to the back of the kitchen where the other elves were all sitting.

"Hello guys--we were wondering if we could grab a small snack--." An elf cut Maia off.

"Of Course! There are some Treacle Tarts and cookies in that tray." She said pointing to a silver tray on top of the kitchen counter.
"Thank you so much--" Another elf cut Maia off.

"Eileen Snape?" a little voice came from the back of the room. "Eileen Snape is down here in the kitchens?" It was Moorey, he came rushing towards me with a big smile on his face.

"Moorey is delighted to see Eileen Snape after such a long time," he spoke, putting his arms out. I gave him a tight hug as I said, "Moorey, you don't have to call me by my full name." He giggled and pulled my hand, taking me to the table Maia was sitting at. She was already eating all the tarts.

"Moorey sees you brought a friend?"

"Oh yes--this is Maia, she's in the same year as me."

"Moorey is happy to see Maia Rivers."

"How'd you know her?" I asked him as he grabbed a cookie

"You see, Maia Rivers comes down here to eat at least once a week. We all know her."

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