Natagumo Mountain

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Nezuko slowly awoke, finding her little sister asleep. (Y/n)'s breathing was slow and steady. It made sense since all that racket a while ago with her created moving had bothered the two. Not to mention her big brother came to save them and the voice outside.

Nezuko shook on her crate door, hearing a screech follow.

"IT'S AWAKE! IT'S AWAKE! TANJIRO PROTECT ME!" A high voice sobbed. Hey, it was the same voice as yesterday... Nezuko remembered.

A few hours later, (Y/n) hummed, her (e/c) orbs opening. What was happening? She crawled outside into the lantern-lit room to find her big siblings running from a yellow haired man. She stood up. "Ah," Tanjiro called, scooping his young sister into a hug. "(Y/n)! I'm glad you're awake!"

The yellow-haired man stopped. "How..." He whispered. "How DARE YOU HIDE NOT ONE- NOT ONE! BUT TWO BEAUTIES FROM MEEE!" He shrieked.

"Zenitsu, stop chasing us!" Tanjiro cried, grabbing Nezuko's and (Y/n)'s hand. He began to run, looking back every once in a while.

"Nezukoooo! Tanjiroooo! (Y/nnnn)!" He called in a sing-song voice. (Y/n) was very confused why this stranger was chasing her, but nonetheless.

Whatever Tanjiro ran from was sure to be nothing good for her and Nezuko. Right?


It was the next few weeks. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke; who had all been introduced to the young ladies; got ready to leave. Inosuke, of course, not understanding what "good luck" was, yelled at the old woman. But like the responsible young man Tanjiro was, held him back and explained. Well, tried to explain anything that Inosuke was concerned about.


Tanjiro and Inosuke run up the mountain... Oblivious to what inhabited the cursed land.


Tanjiro's eyes widened. There was no way he could dodge all those strings! 'Is this it?' He pondered, fear freezing him to his bones. 'Is this... the end?'

Blood splattered onto the ground, a determined Nezuko blocking her young sister who had tried to take the blow. "Nezuko! (Y/n)!" Tanjiro cried, catching Nezuko. (Y/n) stared in confusion. But... No!

She was supposed to protect them! They aren't supposed to be hurt! No, this... This isn't how it's supposed to go...

The youngest Kamado darted after Tanjiro, hiding behind the trees. Maybe, if she could just.. Focus! Focus on healing Nezuko!

Her body trembled, shaking violently. 'Nezuko... Nezuko...' She thought, biting down on her muzzle. It was a wonder how her bamboo piece didn't break.

(Y/n) heard words. Words she couldn't understand. She hugged her wounded sister, both of them sitting as her brother dropped their Mist Cloud Pine crate.

"I'll..." Tanjiro said with determination. "I'll never hand my sisters over to someone like you!" The male cried.

"Oh well, then." The one with a numbered eye tutted.

Nezuko's eyes widened, grabbing onto her sister protectively. They flew above Tanjiro, landing in Rui's grasp.

"(Y/n)! Nezuko!" Tanjiro cried. "Let them go!" He shrieked, launching a straight on attack. Flurries of razor sharp strings flew towards the eldest Kamado son.

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