Natagumo Mountain [Part II]

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"NOT TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" Tanjiro shrieked, darting towards Rui.

A flurry of razor sharp strings flew towards the eldest Kamado son.

He flew back, coughing up large amounts of blood. The bleeding was taking a toll on him... Nezuko and (Y/n) growled as Rui launched another attack. Nezuko reached up, slashing his face.

(Y/n) reach up as well, slicing into his arm with her sharp nails, and to add to it, she slammed her foot onto Rui's own.

Mistakes the both of them would soon regret. Tanjiro finally stood again, aiming his blade at his enemy. '(Y/n)? Nezu... ko?' He wondered, noticing them not in Rui's grasp anymore. ...The smell of— Blood? The said red liquid dripped onto what remained of his blade.

(Y/n) wriggled around, the stinging pain embedded all over her body. "Nezuko! (Y/n)!" Tanjiro cried, gripping onto his sleeve. 'Don't let your emotions get the best of you... Control your breathing!' He rambled internally, darting forwards and raising his small blade.

Tanjiro was blocked easily, thrown to the ground. "Well, boy?" The moon asked. "You try to stay close to chop off my head. Go on, try it." The boy offered, arms spread.

The brunette swung his blade, a clink echoing through the air. 'The blade...' Tanjiro echoed in his thoughts.

'The blade won't go through!'

Rui kicked him backwards, a cloud of dirt obscuring Tanjiro from thier vision.

Nezuko struggled, claws in fists. Her nails dug into her palms. (Y/n) did the same thing, wriggling around. They growled and yelled for thier big brother, and out of anger for Rui. Rui looked at the young females, raising his arms. "All your hollering is annoying. Quiet down." He commanded, curling his fingers into a fist.

The strings tightened, cutting into thier skin. Deep wounds were formed, the embedded strings keeping them from being able to heal.

Nezuko slowly fell unconsious, and after a little struggle, (Y/n) did, too.

After what seemed like hours, something called thier names.

"(Y/n)!" A small voice cried. "(Y/n)!" ...Rokuta? "(Y/n)! Please, you gotta wake up!" Hanako... "Mommy is comforting Nezuko..." "(Y/n), wake up! Please.." Hanako, the young sister sobbed. "Come on, wake!"

"You have to! You have to save Nezuko! Save Tanjiro!" They both said.

"Save them!"


Her eyes snapped open, a brilliant gold shimmering from within. She heard her sister's voice.

"Blood Demon Art..." The two females chanted.

Thier palms lit up, (Y/n)'s eyes flickering feircly.

"Exploding Blood!"
"Dragon Fangs!"

Gold and red fire surrounded Tanjiro.

"Hinkami Kagura!"

Thier elder brother cried, slicing through the strings and clashing his blade against Rui's neck.

(Y/n)'s demon art seemed like the fangs of a dragon accompanying the many fire visuals and harmfulness.

Fire bit onto Rui's skin, (Y/n)'s more like fire, her sister's more like an explosion. Tanjiro's dance only visuals and being the base of their attacks.

Rui's head flew to the side as the girls fell to the ground, Tanjiro a few ,eters ahead of them. The younger sublings were asleep again, healing. Or, so it seemed.

(Y/n) inhaled deeply, her weak body trembling. Why couldn't she fall asleep? Was it because she was fully recharged. Her wounds slowly closed as the strings brunt to a crisp, blowing away in the breeze.

But.. Now that Tanjiro thought of it, there was never the scent of dust. 'No...' He thought. He couldn't even move... How was he supposed to beat this guy a second time!?

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