Zenitsu Ending

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Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. "..." At another Wisteria Family Crest property, everyone began to heal up. (Y/n) and Nezuko slept soundly on the ground, the moonlight shimmering on thier faces while the others trained.

Why did he always feel his heart jolt when (Y/n) was around. He would always yell at Inosuke when he was being too loud when she was sleeping. I mean, sure, Nezuko was flawless, but (Y/n)... Zenitsu was having his break time, drinking water while the others were training.

(Y/n) awoke and managed to climb out of bed without Zenitsu noticing. When she sat next to him, he had panicked, his heart skipping like- fifty beats at a time and his face lighting up. "(Y/- (Y/n)-Chan! What are you doing awake!?" He said, flailing his arms around after him being startled.

(Y/n) stared at him silently, and Zenitsu could feel his blush calm the slightest bit. He faced back out. "Come to watch Inosuke, huh?" He asked. He truly had no chance against him. I mean, loon at him.

Inosuke had the looks, the muscles, he even respected them. Zenitsu was just... Zenitsu. He didn't respect women, he got that fron Tanjiro alot. But when (Y/n) was around, he felt.. whole. Like that missing peice was found.

His heart would skip a beat, like he was shocke by a small jolt of lightning before beconing a sputtering or flustered mess.


I think Zenitsu first realized that he was in love was when he was learning how to braid hair. He had found out (Y/n) loved her hair to be braided like Mitsuri's, or styled like Shinobu's.

He realized that he admired her. Her willpower, her bravery. He even flirted with her a few times, but earned a heavy scolding from Tanjiro. While trying to read a book and practice on his own, short yellow hair, he sighed, unable to master it.

He spent weeks while healing and training, just somehow managing to squeeze in that free time he had left to practice.

When he first got it right, he was so excited, but realized he had to not just know it. He had to perfect it. Just for (Y/n). This is when he realized why his heart jolted everytime he was around her.

He'd do anything for (Y/n). Fight the hardest battles, die for her, face his fears.


The moment (Y/n) realized her love for him was when they were drawing together. Zenitsu drew them frolicking in a field. But why her? Why not Nezuko. The doubt that filled her eyes apparently took a toll of Zenitsu because every day for a month after that, he'd shower her in compliments.

"(Y/nnnnn)~! You're so gorgeus tonight!" He said, patting her head. He smiled goofily, hugging her. His face of course was bright red, and (Y/n)'s cheeks tinted pink from just above her muzzle. That's when Zenitsu decided to braid her hair. She was so happy, she didn't take it out for hours.


Thier first kiss was shared under the moonlight. Tanjiro and Inosuke were off in front, Zenitsu was tired. (Y/n) tipped her head to the side. Why was he tired? She thought he had napped that day. She took off her muzzle and smiled before pressing a kiss to his lips absenindedly. Zenitsu, then, was filled with adreniline, placing (Y/n) on his back with a laugh and racing ahead. (Y/n) giggled, hanging onto him snuggly while they raced with Inosuke, Nezuko sitting on the boar-man's back. Inosuke was like another brother to the two girls.

But Zenitsu to (Y/n)? Oh, he was so much more. Vice-versa, too. He loved her, she loved him. They just had to say it.


The day Zenitsu confessed to (Y/n) was when they were on a nightly walk in the garden, sitting under a peach tree. (Y/n) snacked on one happily, her dog-like fangs biting into the sweet, juicy fruit. Zenitsu inhaled and stared at the waning gibbous moon before speaking.

"(Y/n)-Chan." He said. The (blonde/redhead/brunette/etc.) looked up in curiosity. "What would you do, if someone loved you?" He asked. The girl shrugged and Zenitsu smiled. "Right, uh- You don't talk much, do you?" He stammered. (Y/n) shrugged, licking the nectar of the peach off of her lips. Zenitsu bit into his own.

"What would you do if I said I loved you?" He asked, butterflies in his stomach. (Y/n) blushed and faced him with a dainty smile dancing on her soft face. He grabbed his cheeks snuggly on her hand and pressed her lips against his.

Fireworks. He thought. This feels like.. fireworks. Everywhere. Zenitsu smiled, pressing a hand on the back of (Y/n)'s head to deepen the sweet, blissful kiss. They pulled away from the lack of air.


The day Zenitsu had told Tanjiro was the day he got 'The Brother Talk'.

"See, Zenitsu, I know you'll take excellent care of (Y/n), but you hurt her and I break every bone in your body, okay?" Asked Tanjiro with a much to cheerful smile.


One thing that still confused Zenitsu was why his heart kept... jolting around (Y/n). Was it her kindess? Her looks? Her love? The fact she was his? The fact he was hers? Zenitsu's blush died down a bit, but his cheeks were always a rosy color during thier nightly walks, and so was (Y/n)'s.


Zenitsu wore a flower crown (Y/n) had made, and this time her heart that jolted whenever she was around him. They sat next to the fireplace of the Insect Estate. He sighed, pulling a sleeping (Y/n) close, messing with her soft (h/c) hair with a pleasant smile. Needless to say, they fell asleep like that on the floor, a blanket around the two.


The first fight they won together was when (Y/n) used her blood art mixed with Zenitsu's Thunderclap and Flash.

"Combined attack...

Lightning Dragon!"

She screamed and Zenitsu mumbled. He was asleep- of course. Fire and lightning visuals and effects took place. Only this time- the demon actually burned instead of just having his head sliced off. Needless to say, they were both found asleep and curled up by Inosuke and Tanjiro afer they had been split up.


Zenitsu and (Y/n) finally realized why thier heart jolted for each other. I mean, they loved each other. Why else? They would die for one another, sacrifice the world if it meant keeping the other safe. Because they knew what love was. They knew they promised to be by each other's side until the end.

That was why thier heart jolted for each other.


Sob. That's it. That's the story. Sjxksox. I loved is sm. Skskks

Anywæ... Y'all should check out my new book, a Maximum Ride x Avengers crossover. I might even add a reader, who knows. I don't. XD

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