~The plan Exam: Phase 1 Part 2~

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Killua's POV:

You watch as Y/n runs ahead, followed by Kurapika. 'Why does he have to follow her, what is he, her nanny? Whatever...'"What's your name?" You ask the boy in green.

"Gon, Gon Freecs. And you?"

"Killua, Killua Zoldyck."

"I can't anymore...There's always next year..." You both hear Leorio say as he slows to a stop.

"Come on Gon he's done." You say, but Gon doesn't move. You both watch as Leorio puts down his briefcase and catches his breath. Of course people would be tired, you've been running for 3 or more hours. Then he yells, "SCREW THIS! I'M BECOME A HUNTER NO MATTER WHAT!" as he dashes past you both, with some new found energy. Gon then uses his fishing rod to get Leorio's briefcase since he'd left in on the ground.

"That's so cool!" You say, "You've gotta let me try that!"

"Sure!" Gon answers, "But only if I can use your skateboard."

"Deal" You say.

You and Gon got along really easily and before long, he became what you thought was a best friend like figure. You looked forward to see her and that blonde again, and you had to admit, that made you jealous. What is their relationship? I doubt their together, so that means, she's probably single... "Hey Gon, I've got a plan, wanna help me?"

" A plan for what?" Gon asks.

"You'll see, just help me." You say with a mischievous grin.

Your POV:

"Hey Y/N! Wanna race us?!" Gon said.

"Ya the loser buys the winners dinner!" Killua explained.

"Sure! I'd love a free dinner!" You tease, wanting to get away from Kurapika and Leorio before another awkward situation.

"Haha, ya right. Okay, 1...2...3....GO!" Killua yells.

"Hey HOLD ON!" Leorio screams

"See ya old man!" Killua yells back.

"I'm not an old man, I'M A TEENAGER JUST LIKE YOU!" Leorio proclaimed, causing you all to momentarily freeze...

"WHAT?!" You all yell in unison.

After the momentary shock, you turn to realize Killua and Gon are taking advantage of your moment of inattentiveness. THEY WERE GETTING A HEAD START! You run as fast as you can, and dash ahead of many applicants. You dash past the boys, smiling in triumph, 'you were soo gonna win.' Though, when you look to your right, the boys are there, right beside you, in-line with your steps. 'Oh no...they're fast,' you think to yourself. Whatever, I'll just be FASTER! You think as you run faster up a seemingly never ending staircase that had just appeared in front of you three. Soon you three catch sight of Satotz, and no later catch up to him. You quickly turn your head back to see that the four of you, including Satotz, were way ahead of the other applicants. You turn back to see a white light at the top of the stairs. THE EXIT. You gather up the rest of your energy and burst forward. You zoom up the stairs, but sadly the boys do the same thing as you. Finally you reach the finish line and yell...

"I WON!" Say all three of you. You had all crossed the finish line, but you clearly had won.

"No I won!" You state to the boys. "Anyone could see how my foot crossed the line first."

"Ya, but in official races, the winner is the person you crossed with their upper torso first, and that was me!" Killua retaliates.

"Hey, Mr. Satotz, do you know who won?" Gon asked Satotz.

"Well, I believe both Killua and Y/N crossed the line simultaniously" Satoz said.

"WHAT?!" You and Killua say together.

"Well, what are we gonna do now?" You ask the boys.

"Why don't you just buy each other dinner?" Gon proposes.

-tsk- "Whatever."Killua says, turning away from the two of them to check out their surroundings.

"Hold on..." You say, "Gon you lost! That means you have to buy, both Killua and I dinner!" You proclaim.

"YA!" Killua agrees, turning back to poke Gon's forehead.

"Oh..yeah...about that..." Gon says sheepishly, "I kind of...don't have any money..."

"WHAT?!" You and Killua yell in unison.

Killua's POV:

Okay... maybe your plan didn't go completely as planned. You had planned to tie first place with Gon and make Y/N owe you both dinner, then Gon would say he was busy the day we would plan for her to buy us dinner, and she and I wold have to go alone. Not only would I be getting a date with her, but she'd be paying! But that didn't really work out, since she turned out to be faster than you expected.

Now you two would be buying each other dinner, because you two couldn't bring yourselves to make Gon pay, if he had no money, and no way to raise any. Either way you'd be getting a date with her, and you could probably, finally be able to tell her what you've been meaning to tell her for a while.



Split String of Fate:(Killua x Reader x Kurapika)Where stories live. Discover now