~50 hours: Cooking~

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 Kurapika's P.O.V: 

        The 5 of you enter a large room with 2 couches, 3 book shelves, a small coffee table, a tv and many pillows. The room also had a separate bathroom and a kitchen attached.

        "YES FOOD!" Y/n cheers.

        "I-I'll prepare something, you need to rest after your fight." You say out of the blue. 'What am I doing?!'

        "It's fine, I'm fine now. Plus your fight had a lot more action than mine, it should be you resting." She says.

        "I-I'm fine just rest, I'll take care of it." You stutter 'What am I saying?!' You inwardy shout to yourself.

        "Kurapika, you sure you're alright? You keep stuttering." She says in a concerned tone.

        "Don't worry about me, just rest." You command. She shrugs her shoulders and plops herself down on a couch. 

        "Alright, if you insist. Thanks Kurapika you're awesome!" She says with a smile as she looks up at you.You blush and hastily turn around into the kitchen.


        'Why did I volunteer to cook for her?! I can't cook! I learned that after the second phase of the exam.' You mentally scold yourself. You spend a few minutes thinking about what would be easy to make but was delicious, the only reason you blindly offered was because you wanted to take care of Y/n and impress her. 'But if I cook for her, all I'll do is poison her!' You decide to do some research on "Cooking".
         You search each bookshelf until you come across the only cookbook there, "Cooking for DUMMIES", it read. Well that's pretty insulting, but considering it's the only cook book here...

        "Kurapika, do you need help cooking?" Asks Gon as he reads the book you had just pulled out, "Aunt Mito taught me some basics on cooking." 

        "No Gon, it's fine. I know how to cook-"

         'Gon please help me!' Your inner voice screams

        "-this book, I-It's just for a refresher.-"

        'As if! You need help!' 

        "-I'll be fine by myself." You have just signed your death certificate, or everyone else's.

        'That's it, this tower's burning down. Your going to kill y/n because of your cooking, "Death By Kurapika's Cooking." Will be written on her grave. Gon nods and walks over to Killua and they start playing with Gon's fishing rod. Why couldn't you just except Gon's help! You sigh and drag your feet back into the kitchen. 

        'Cooking can't be that hard, I mean as long as I follow the instructions.' You open the cook book to the section called, "Simple but Delicious Desserts!" 'Yellow cupcakes, That can't be too hard. Okay, so I need flour, baking powder, salt, etc.' You thoroughly read and re-read the instructions. You begin by  preheating the oven to 350 degrees. Then you pour in 3 cups of flour. 'This isn't so hard.' You think raising your confidence. 'Now baking powder... Is this baking powder?' You think as you pick up a container filled with white powder. ' Why don't they keep the labels on here?! Ughhh...I'll just research what it looks like.' You quickly search up what the powder must resemble and stare at the substance in the container. 'Hm...white powder... Yup this is white!' You deduce, and pour in 2 1/2 teaspoons. Now which one of these containers is the salt and which is the sugar...' 

        Your POV: 
        You wake up to the smell of burning. "What happened?" You say as you sit up. You rub your eyes and slowly open them, only to find an ash covered boy sitting at the foot of your couch holding something in his hands. You look him up and down and notice some very unique and very much charred, tribal clothing. You look up to face of the boy and blink rapidly. "K-Kurapika?!" The boy jumps at the sudden sound and turns to look at you. "What happened to you?" You ask worried. 'Is he alright? he's so covered in ash that I couldn't even tell that his hair is supposed to be blond!'

        "I-I-" He begins. 

        "He tried to bake you some cupcakes, but he blew up the oven in the process. So Gon ended up having to help him make you a grilled cheese instead while Killua and I cleaned up the kitchen." Leorio says walking over to the two of us. He was also covered in ash and his glasses were hanged lopsided on his face. "Thanks to this smarta** my glasses are messed up and my hair is filled with soot!" He yells. 

        You turn to face Kurapika who was hanging his head in shame. You crawl over to him and turn your head in a way so that you can look up and see his face. His eyes were dark and his face showed no expression other than defeat. You look down at what he's holding a notice that its a grilled cheese on your f/c coloured plate. 

        "Is this for me?" You ask the boy in an innocent and cheerful voice. He slightly looks up at you and nods. He extends the sandwich to you and you take it eagerly. You take a bite and are instantly filled with nostalgia. It tasted just like how your mom used to make them. Tears begin to form in your eyes as you think about your mom. You quickly wipe them away, but not before everyone already saw them. You're sudden tears cause everyone to panic, especially Kurapika. 

        "Y-y/n are you okay? I-Is it that bad?! You don't have to force yourself to eat it for my sake!" Kurapika shouted, you could hear the sadness in his voice.

        "N-No it's not that." You say honestly, "It's wonderful, I love it!" You say with a smile and quickly finish off the sandwich. "Thanks Kurapika!" You smile and pull the charred blonde into a big hug and peck him on the cheek. You quickly get up from the couch leaving a madly blushing Kurapika(Which no one noticed because of the ash) and pull Gon into a hug, "You too Gon!" You say. The spiky haired boy giggles and hugs you back and you plant a kiss on his forehead.

        'I'm so blessed to have such great friends.' You think you yourself.

        You turn to face your 4 friends, place your hands on your hips, "You all should get cleaned up, you all reek of salt and ashes." You say bluntly, "All of you, take a shower and put on some fresh clothes while I prepare you all a meal, since I'm the only one who ate." 

        "Sure, mom..." Said Leorio sarcastically. 

        "You're welcome, grandpa!" You tease. You see Leorio's head begin to turn red as he clutches his fists. Before he can think of a good comeback you dash into the kitchen. You poke your head out of the door frame and quickly stick your tongue out at the old man and his red tomato face. 'Woah... steam is actually coming out of his ears.' You giggle at your friend's reaction.

        You head off in to the kitchen and sigh at the thing that used to be and oven. 'Well, that's gonna make things a little more difficult.' You think. 'Maybe I'll be able to bake with Leorio's steaming head.' You giggle at the image that appeared in your head.

        Time remaining: 44:53:02

        Ohh my goshh all of your comments just send me over the moon and back! It make me so happy to know that there are people out there really enjoying my writing! Ahhh its insane! Thank you guys, for your support and such kind and supportive feedback. :D

Early post cause I had time today, so I'll just be posting on Saturday and not friday :P


Split String of Fate:(Killua x Reader x Kurapika)Where stories live. Discover now