~Exam: The End~

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      Your P.O.V:

        For the rest of the exam you stayed in the infirmary, lying in your bed and watching over Gon. He slept there peacefully recovering from his recent battle, while you lay in your bed still fuming. 'Killua never treats me like an equal! He refuses to fight me, refuses to acknowledge that I can fight too! He refuses to see that I am strong! No matter what I do, he's always looking down on me!' Your eyes switch from Gon to the window in the room. Light pours in from it, barely filling the room, indicating how late in the day it was. From your position you couldn't see outside, but you could see the bright, fiery colours of the sunset transition into the dark looming colours of night. The colours dancing in the sky lull you to sleep, stripping you of all your fuming thoughts, and all of your worries, if only for a few hours.


        You wake up to find Gon's bed empty and the door of the infirmary ajar. You begin to panic as Netero's words echo in your mind, "I'd keep a close eye on my friends if  I were you." 

        You spring our of your bed, your feet slapping against the hard cold floor. You throw on your sneakers and run. You had know idea where you were running to, but your feet were in command and they said to run. On your way to who know's where, you almost tackle Mr. Satotz. Before you ram him down, you skid on the balls of your feet, coming to a halt. 

        "Have you seen Gon anywhere?!" You almost shout at him. 

        "Yes, he went straight to the conference room, where all the other Hunter exam graduates are." You nod quickly in thanks and dash towards said room. 

        As you approach the room, you notice how the door was wide open. As if someone had recently slammed them open. Voices escape from the open room for you to hear. 

        "Apologize to Killua." 

        "Apologize? For what?" 

        "You know even know what you did wrong?!"

        "Nope." You slowly walk into the room to see Gon shouting at who seems to be Gittarackur, he's wearing his outfit, but his appearance is completely different? You slowly walk further into the room and stand on top of the staircase. You are yet to be noticed because all eyes are on the conversation between Gon and Gittarackur.

        "Then you have no right to be his brother!" Gon shouts. 'Wait...BROTHER?!' Your eyes widen in shock. 

        Gittarackur looks away with a blank expression, "I have to earn the right to be his brother?" You watch as Gon's eyes widen with fury. He aggressively grabs Gitarakur's wrist and effortlessly throws him over and behind him, but the man lands gracefully on his feet. 

        "He doesn't need to earn the right to be my friend!" Gon's grip on the man's wrist was impossibly strong, the man's veins were visible. "Nevermind apologizing, just tell me where he is." 

        "And what would you do then?"

Split String of Fate:(Killua x Reader x Kurapika)Where stories live. Discover now