The Stranger

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AN: Shout out to  for the awesome ideas and inspiration!

Daisy POV:

I walked around my castle, it was well into the evening so many residents were getting ready to go to bed. A few Toadstools would occasionally greet me in the hallways, but it was all the same. Finally, things around the kingdoms seemed to get back on track, but not for me. Nothing was the same after Luigi never returned.

Mario was mourning non-stop. The only one to ever seem to be able to comfort him being Peach.

Peach herself was constantly trying to cheer up Mario. Honestly, at times I thought that Mario was moping around just to get her attention.

And Bowser hasn't even dared to try and kidnap Peach with her being constantly around Mario.

As for me. Nothing much has actually changed. But it seemed that Luigi's death has troubled me more than I thought it would. I didn't know until now how much I actually cared about him. I missed seeing his sky blue eyes... missed the goofy grin he had whenever he saw me... and I missed the way he always cared for his friends...

I let out a sigh that I seemed to be holding in.

Daisy: Might as well get some fresh air before bed...


????? POV:

I ran out of the dark alleyway I was just in and pinched the bridge of my masked nose in frustration. There was NO ONE worth taking for what I had planned! If I am to break my partner in crime out of The Underwhere I need someone 'Pure of Heart' and easily disposable. But anyone I found who fit the first category would not fit the latter.

I looked up and saw a wall to a castle.

?????: Hmph. Wonder if there's anything of interest here.

With one leap I was on top of the wall. I peered down to see a girl in an orange dress with brown hair. As I watched her walk along the path I found myself smiling like an idiot. She walked at a leisurely pace with her head hung, her sunken eyes trained on the floor. I could sense purity in her. Perfect for what I needed.

?????: I want her.

With one swift movement, I vaulted over the wall and swiftly trailed behind her in the shadows.


Daisy POV:

It was finally nearing nighttime, the sun was now hiding behind the horizon. 

Daisy: I should probably get to bed...

As if I could sleep. I stayed up every night, tormented by the thoughts of what could have happened to Luigi. Mario never told me how he died. Just that he was not coming back.

I opened the door to my room and gently closed it behind me.

?????: Hello princess...

I flinched as soon as I heard another voice. I turned around and saw a stranger sitting on the windowsill. He wore an all-black jumpsuit, grey gloves, worn grey boots, a green bandana, and a green hat with a backward L backed with black. He seemed oddly familiar.

Daisy: H-how did you get in here?

Stranger: It's easy to trail someone when they're too busy moping and crying their eyes out.

Daisy: Excuse me?!

The slender man chuckled at my apparent frustration as he got up from the window's edge. He walked over and got really close to me. Even though his eyes were covered by a mask, I could see his sky blue irises dart up and down, as if he were searching me.

Stranger: You're cute when you're angry.

Daisy: WHAT?!

My face was now flushed. I must have been as red as a tomato.

Daisy: Alright, buddy. If you think that you can break in here and make fun of me, you-!

All of a sudden he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in. I could feel a spark of static hit my skin, causing goosebumps to pop up.

Daisy: What are you-! You think you can-!

I turned away as his face neared mine. I let out a sigh as I struggled to find my words.

Daisy: Who are you?

That was the only thing I could manage to spit out.

Stranger: Green Thunder or Mr. L, it's all the same. But you can call me L, sweetheart. And I'm going to need your help with something.

Mr. L wrapped his arms around me.

Daisy: What are you-?!

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt several volts of electricity get sent through my body. I let out an unintelligible gargle of words as I started to blackout.

Mr. L: Sweet dreams.


Mario POV:

I looked around the black, desolate plain. Cube-like objects were floating around us with sadistic grins on their faces. Next to me were Bowser and Peach. In front of me... in front of me was the monstrous beast known as Super Dimentio, a freakish blend of Dimentio, the Chaos Heart, and Luigi.

Mario: Bro! You need to stop this! 

Peach: Luigi come back to us!

Bowser: Stop this before I give you a pummeling!

The colossal beast bellowed an eerie laugh.

Super Dimentio: There is nothing left of your brother! Ah ha ha! L-POWER!!!

The ground shook beneath my feet. Debris crashed down all around me as I held my ground. Out of the blue, the eight Pure Hearts appeared. Super Dimentio's smile turned into a scowl.

Super Dimentio: What?! What's going on?! NO! The Pure Hearts?! I thought you wasted them all fighting Count Bleck! What's... happening?! I'm not invincible anymore...

Super Dimentio let out an ear-bleeding screech and then exploded. The Pure Hearts dissolved into thin air.

Mario: WEEGEE!!!

I bolted upright in bed. Sweat drenched my face and clothes. I looked around frantically and then sighed. It was only a nightmare... and one of my worst memories.

Mario: Bro...

Tears quickly rose up to my eyes. I heard a knock come from the front door. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I slipped on my clothes. The knocking was more vigorous now.

Mario: I'm coming.

I shuffled over to the door and opened it. I quickly changed my expression from tired to normal as soon as I saw who it was. It was Toadsworth.

Mario: Oh, Toadsworth. H-how can I help you?

Toadsworth: Master Mario, I'm afraid I have some troubling news.

I lifted my eyebrow in confusion.

Mario: Did Bowser kidnap Peach again?

Toadsworth: No, he did not. It's Princess Daisy. She's been kidnapped.

Toadsworth pulled out a green bandana and showed it to me. I stared in disbelief at the green piece of fabric.

Toadsworth: This is all the culprit left behind. Do you, perhaps, know who could have done this?

I choked on tears as I took the bandana from Toadsworth.

Mario: Weegee?

Toadsworth: Master Mario?

I looked up at Toadsworth.

Mario: Tell Peach to come over here. Now!

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