Part 15: The Distraction

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(I think I might do jumping povs for this chapter, there will be a


Every time I switch. Oh boy.)


Tommy had no idea what to do. He thought it was smart of Tubbo to shatter that disc, but he was probably going to die now.

"Tubbo!" Before Tommy could run over, Eret was right in front of him. Perfect. "Bitch! Go away."

"I'm afraid I'll have to stop you right there." Eret's normally friendly voice sounded like it was traced in ice.

"Fuck you!" Tommy took Eret's power, but he kind of forgot it wouldn't effect Eret. He paused time and tackled Eret, and was surprised to see him fight back.

Eret continued time. They were both in a completely different place from where they left off, so it might be obvious Tommy has Eret's power now.

Tommy stopped time again. Before Eret could notice, he ran over to Dream and Tubbo to free him, then he could get over to the others and drive away.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Eret said with a grin on his face. "I'd stop now, while your ahead."

"Make me." Tommy went to release Tubbo from Dream.

As soon as he made contact, Dream snapped his head up. He quickly twisted Tommy's arm behind his back.

"Yeah," Eret walked over. "When you touch someone while paused, they are able to move too."

Tommy went to reach for Tubbo, but Dream pushed him to the ground. "Are you going to listen to us now?"

Tommy spat blood and spit on the ground. He could see everyone else frozen in time. Punz was clenching his stomach from the dart, Wilbur, Techno, and Ranboo were in the car, Niki and Fundy were trying to get in the car, and George and Sapnap were across the street.

Tommy could take a power right now. As long as someone unfrozen was touching him, he could stay awake, right? What should he take?

Well, what were the options? Plants, energy, fire, freezing, strength, teleporting, furry, Wilbur or George's power would probably do best right now. But Tommy hasn't used either of those before. He decided to take George's power first.

"Hey, Dream," Tommy said. He needed Eret awake to keep everything frozen, so Dream first. "Look at me."

"Tommy, I can read your mind," Dream rolled his eyes. "Telepathy, remember? That won't work on me."

"Is that a guarantee?" Tommy tried to look up, but Dream had him pinned on the ground. "Scared? Are you scared of this power? What would you even be able to do if all your friends turned on you?"

"Well, they wouldn't," Dream said, matter of factly. "And second, if I wanted to i could take all of them. But I've made sure they won't betray me."

"How?" Tommy was stalling for time so he could make a plan. He knew Dream probably knew this, but he seemed like he was enjoying talking about himself.

"Well, I just pay Punz," Dream pointed over to the frozen crowd. "I was already friends with George and Sapnap, but they took some convincing. I have a formal business arrangement with the Jschlatt Corporation, so I'm set with them. Eret, he just needed money and a job to betray his friends. And it was easy to get Bad."

"What does 'convincing' mean?" Tommy, knowing Dream, knew that Dream didn't bother himself with asking nicely.

"Just some threatening," Dream said casually, as though he wasn't about to murder a kid. Eret raised his eyebrows. "George  Sapnap, and Ant I could just threaten to hurt them. It was harder with Bad because he didn't really care about himself. Eventually I gave him an offer to not hurt his friend."

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