
820 19 3

September 1st

"Don't be missing us too much, okay?"

My mother's sweet voice bounced off the walls of our mansion, its emptiness wallowing me in sadness. Yet again, my dad was no where to be seen. His figure was out of sight, and his laugh was gone. He was gone, just like always. That thought does make me sad because sometimes it feels like I don't even have a father. But I pretend it's okay. Fake it until you make it, right?

" I won't."

The confidence in my voice shocks me for a moment, even my Mum was shocked by the way her perfectly sculpted eyebrows raised. But that expression quickly faded away, and that confidence abandoned me. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around my mom, grasping onto her like a child.

Maybe I will miss her a lot.  

" Now you go have fun! If I find out you've been causing trouble, I will bring you straight home.. Okay?"

I just smile into her side, nodding while letting her go.

" Understood.."


" I love you, Y/n. Make us proud, okay?"

" Okay."

I smile one last time, before turning towards the door. Without turning back, I gathered my things and headed straight out. I just couldn't wait till I could officially go home.


The black smoke fogged the air of the train station, and the squeezing of the wall's entrance made me gasp. The waves of wizards, witches, and their children gathered all around. The echoing of the olden stone against aged leather from shoes reminded me of just how much I've missed it and Hogwarts.

" Hey! "

I jump, turning around so quickly, I trip over my shoes and fall.

" Woah easy there! "

I look up quickly, into his deep brown eyes and his handsome smile. His chocolate brown hair was ruffled, and his tone arms wrapped around my waist.

I couldn't help but blush..

" Hi, Oliver. "

" Hey. "

He smiled, kissing me on the cheek while standing me upright. His toned arms didn't let go of my waist though, even if I was upright.

" Olive? "

" Oh.. Sorry. "

He blushed, quickly letting his hands fall to the side and fidgeting with his fingers slowly.

" Anyway, how was your summer? "- I ask quickly, walking side by side with him to The Express.

" Oh just wonderful! I rode my broom most of the summer and practiced Quidditch so I would be ready this year. I was thinking about you all summer though.. Next time, we need to hangout."

He tries to act grumpy and scrunches his eyebrows in anger, but I just kiss him on the nose, and load my stuff onto the train. 

" How was yours? "


" Just fine.. "- I tell him quickly, smiling while walking to the stairs. The express blows its whistle, warning others that it would be leaving soon.

" Just fine? Why just fine? "

" Because it was boring without you! " I smile, lying through my teeth, hoping he would believe it.. I didn't want him to know about the book.. No one should know about the book.

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