The Weekend! Part 1 out of 2

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Ok.. So I know Weekends at Hogwarts is like.. Boring I guess you could say. Since you can't go to Hogsmeade till.. 5th? 6th year? Not sure. TELL ME WHAT YEAR PLEASE IN THE COMMENTS. Anyway, so.. I guess Harry, Ron and Hermione explain the whole situation with the Philosophers stone and their plan to the reader or Y/n. Also... There is a big surprise in this chapter! With Oliver Wood and Y/n. I hope you enjoy! The 2nd part of the weekend is a Quidditch Match. Slytherin v.s Gryffindor. And yes.. Mr. Quirrell? Quirell? Something like that messes with her broom.


" Don't be afraid little girl." A snake like voice echoes through my head. "Leave me alone!" I yell to the voice. It laughs.. Like a maniac.. The smell of death enters my nostrils. Darkness turns into fire and grass. My mom.. Dad... Laying on the ground, surrounded by red liquid.. Blood. "NO! MOM! DAD!" I yell, screaming my lungs out in the process. I start to run, carrying one foot then the other. Right. Left. Right. Left. They feel heavy, heavy like boulders strapped to my ankles.

"It's too late, little girl.. Too late." The snake like voice taunts me in my ear. I turn around but nobody's there. I turn back but it's dark again. My feet start to sink. "Mom.. Dad." I whimper, shutting my eyes from the exhaustion that appeared out of no where.

I shoot my eyes open. The bright rays of the sun blinding me. I rock back and forth rapidly. "Y/n! Y/n!" Hermione yells, shaking me. I groan, sweat beads a crossed my forehead. "You seem to be my alarm clock now Hermione." A fatigue smile crosses my face. Hermione rolls her deep brown eyes. "Shut up. Meet Me, Harry and Ron at the library. We have things to tell you. We are kinda feeling guilty for not telling you." I was about to question her but she leaves immediately. Ok then?

Tell me what? They shouldn't be keeping things away from me if I'm their friend.. I move the red curtains, groaning again when the sun blinds me. Good morning to you too sun. I lay my feet on the cold, hard floor. I sit there for a bit. What to they have to tell me? What are they keeping from me? I yawn, watching the sun rise from yonder.

A few minuets later, I'm up and running. I already had my Hogwarts Robes on, My hair in 2 braids. I even felt fierce enough that I put on some bubble gum Pink lipstick on. Why not right? I almost grabbed my bag of books but I was like wait.. It's The Weekend! I run out of my Dorm and down the steps but was stopped.

"Hey." Oliver Wood. "Hey Oliver! How is your morning?" I ask politely. I'm a little embarrassed about what happened that night. "Do you want to hang this weekend, well today. Since We have a game tomorrow. Cheating Slytherins.." He growls. "Of course! Around... 7:20? " He hums in response. "See you then!" I tell him, walking out of the Common Room.

~A little walk to the Library Later~

"Hey guys." I greet, sitting down. I looked at everybody. They all seemed to look down, guilty like. "We are Sorry." Harry says, Ron and Hermione Nod. I start to laugh. "It's fineee! Now what did you want to tell me?" They all look at eachother. "Well.. That night when the Troll was let in, Snape looked hurt.  There was a big Scar on his leg. We questioned why. Sooo One night, The staircase moved while we were on it." Harry started but was cut off by Ron.

"So we took a shortcut. But that shortcut was the third floor. When we were kinda exploring, Mrs. Norris Found us! We were soooo scared. So we ran! For our live-" Hermione hit his head. "STOP BEING DRAMATIC." He grumbles but continues. "We ran! Till we found a door, but it was locked. So Hermione pushed us. IT HURT SOOO-" Hermione hit him again.

"Fine." Hermione continued the story. " SO we unlocked the door. Inside was the real treasure. It was a three headed dog!  It was standing on something but the boys didn't notice. We left the third floor and slept if off. But the next day We asked Hagrid. Apparently, That's HIS dog named fluffy. It was guarding something from a guy named Nicholas Flamel. SO we did our Research, and The Dog Fluffy is guarding A Stone."

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