What Happened?

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A/N: Heyyy Ya'll! Okay I will stop. Sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been very, Very, VERY busy with moving and getting use to The place I have to call home. I guess I could say I was stuck. I didn't know what to write next.. I have, what's called, Writer's Block. Well, Not anymore since I know what to write next. Sorry again for not writing. I know you guys have been waiting and Thank you! Thank you for your patience!

I have another story I'm working on. But I will wait 'till this story is Completed before I post The other story. It is a Harry Potter Reality kinda thing. It has Hogwarts and The story line of the Harry Potter MOVIES. But.. It's different. It's hard to explain. This story is kind of a Riddle to figure out.

Now let's get to the story!


Sunlight was peeking through the corners of my eyes. What happened? The only thing I remember was that I was at a Quidditch game and.. I fell of my broom. I mean.. I remember the visions but.. Everything else was kind of blurry. The first thing I heard was footsteps. More stomping then 'Light as a feather' footsteps. Next was a loud screeching noise, like an owl who is raging or a wheel of a wooden cart.

"She's waking! Dear, are you alright! You had such a bad fall after the Quidditch accident!" The Matron, Madam Pomfrey screeched.

I slowly open my eyes, watching the Matron bustle around the Hospital Wing. "I'm Okay Madam-" I cough, surprised by my rough sounding voice. Madam Pomfrey accio's a cup of water, handing me it straight away. I greedily drink the cup of cold goodness. "Thank you Madam Pomfrey. My voice sounds a lot better. Did I break anything?" I ask, looking down at my small framed body. I sigh in relief when I see that I can move everything.

"Heavenly No! The Brave Headmaster, Dumbledore saved you from the fall. If you even touched a blade of grass at the speed you were going, you might as well be dead!" I roll my eyes at Ms. Pomfrey. Sometimes She can be dramatic. "Did anyone else get hurt?" I feel like I'm interrogating her, like honestly!

" Yes Y/n.." She sighs, giving me a little scoop of medicine. I shoot it down my throat. EW! It's tastes like an old man's pee! Hopefully Dumbledore didn't have too much to drink! "Who?" I question again. "Dear Child, you question a lot! It's The Captain.. Oliver."

"It's The Captain.. Oliver."

My heart stops beating, my face going pale. "W-What.." I whisper frantically looking around. "Y/n are you sick? Should I give you a bit  more medicine?" I felt like I couldn't breathe.. Is he okay? "Madam, Where is He?" I whisper again, looking up at Poppy Pomfrey's eyes. She could see that I was desperate. She could see the Panic and Sadness in my e/c eyes.

"Over in the right corner. He hasn't woken up dear. He's been in bed for hours. I warn you, he isn't in the best shape." She tells me, running off. I slowly move the scratchy bed sheets. I could see why children don't like The Hospital Wing. They should make it more comfortable.

I cringe at the sound of my bones popping. I only have been in bed for like 4 hours but still. I slowly get up, looking around. Right in the right corner was a bit of brown hair. Oliver! I move my legs to the side of the bed, getting up slowly. I start to move towards his bed, nervous to see what shape He was in. Please Merlin, Let him be okay. Let him be in better shape than I am.

I got closer to the side of the white bed, sitting on on the white chair. My face paled a little bit. He wasn't in better shape than I am, but better than I expected. He had a scratch on his face, that was a bit deep, His brown hair was sandy and messy, but His body was the worse. I slowly moved the blankets, hoping to not wake him.

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