Tom's Favor.

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       I swiftly enter the compartment full of my friends, their eyes watching me sit down quietly. I laid against the cold wall of the train, watching the trees move past and the grassy hills contrast against the sky. It was nice considering how dark my thoughts are right now. Tom asked me for something. Something so forbidden. Something so.. Evil. I couldn't do it, I can't. A hand grabbed mine, and I couldn't help but look over into Oliver's eyes. His hand held mine, and a smile decorated his lips. I smiled, shaking my thoughts away.

I can think of that later.

For now, I move away from the train wall and lay my head on his shoulder. His brown, soft hair brushing against my forehead. Harry was sitting silently, his glasses beaming with the outside world and his dimples showed just how happy he was to be back. Hermione, with her bushy hair, was stuck in a book. Her eyes moving along, just like how the train was. And Ron.. Well it's Ron, he was eating of course, and playing with his grey rat. This is the place I want to be. With my friends, going home, with smiles.

Closing my eyes peacefully, I rested against Oliver's shoulder. A smile splayed on my lips, and my hair brushed away from my face. The sounds of the train and the moving book pages lulled me to sleep, my perception falling away whilst I slowly fell into dreamland.


    "Hey."- Oliver's voice fluttered my eyes open, his small smile was the first thing I saw.


" We're almost there, so get ready to go. Okay, Love?"

I just nod, yawning as I stretch. Everyone was already in their robes, and the exciting chatter of the students echoed. My hair was still in the place I left it, and my eyes had to adjust to the light. And as I lifted my head off of Olive's shoulder, the comfort that I got from it quickly left, and a small sigh left my lips.

" You took quite the nap, Y/n."- Harry smiles, pushing up his glasses and ruffling his hair a bit.

I smile, shaking my head.

" Yes it seems so. How long have I been out?"- I question, looking around the compartment. Everything was in the exact place before I fell asleep, except Ron wasn't munching on anything anymore, and Hermione put away her book.

" Around 8 1/2 hours. Have you been getting enough sleep lately?"- Hermione asked, worry flashing in her brown eyes. I shrug, leaning back against the cushioned seat.

" Been sleeping fine."- I answer with another shrug, lying through my teeth yet again. Nobody buyed it, but they didn't question. I couldn't help but be relieved.

For the past few nights, I have not been sleeping well. I've been staying up almost every night talking to.. Tom. I could talk to him about anything, and it seemed like he genuinely cared. Of course I don't tell him everything, he's still a complete stranger to me. But he helps me get through things, and I appreciate it. 

The train started to slow down, its rusted wheels creating a small screeching sound. I looked out the window, the stars gleaming against the black sky and the trees wrestling against the wind. A portion of The Black Lake could be seen, its waves rippling against the green grass. A smile was immediately splayed on my lips, and the childish excitement bubbled in my chest.

As the students became aware that the train fully stopped, their wondrous gazes were broken and children upon children started to leave the train. Every step I took, the excitement started to bubble higher and higher. Like a volcano or a big bubble bath. My friends followed me along, exiting the red compartment we've been in all day. This was the moment we have been waiting for. For the whole summer, I imagined going home. To see the castle again, to wear the robes and proudly represent the red colors. The gleaming stars that I would once see again from my dorm. The dining hall with its candles and wonderful steaming food. The empty halls at night, the library and the smell of books, this was home. As I exited the train, I looked upon the castle that stood in all of its glory.

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