Why did you?

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Hey Guys! I'm sorry for the late chapter, it's going to be slow for a while. But I finally wanted to write another chapter, and so here it is. I do hope you like it, and hopefully it's up to your standards :).


A few months later.

I ran through the halls, my footsteps echoing in the early morning. Wind blew the trees and rain sprinkled down onto the castle. My hair was a dripping mess, and my grey sweater smelt like wet dog.

I cringed in disgust, peeling it off my freshly washed skin. Why did it have to rain today? Why couldn't it rain when I would leave Hogwarts for the summer? The summer break was upon us, meaning difficult work was upon us too. To this day, it seemed like everything went by quickly. I always reminded myself to be ready. To be ready to face my dad, after learning the truth.

But I was having a breakdown. What was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to yell at him and run away? At night, I would cry. Because I had no one to lean on. Oliver hasn't talked to me since Christmas, and I don't have a single clue why. Was it because he was jealous of the boy who gave me the necklace? Was he mad at me because I attract more than one boy?

I really don't understand. I tried to talk to him, tried to get his attention. But he always brushed me off like I was a bug. Or a speck of dirt on his sweater. I know he is strong headed, and stubborn. But it was a single piece of jewelry that I got for Christmas. It didn't mean anything, right?

I quickly strutted my way through the halls, my hair soaking my sweater once more. I didn't bother to dry it, why would I? Harry wouldn't care. Ron wouldn't care. Hermione I don't think would care if my hair was wet. So why would I care if my hair was soaked or not? I don't, because I really only care about one person's opinion.


But yet, I'm mad at him too. He just left me standing there, holding the necklace, on Christmas morning. He didn't bother talking to me ever again, and it didn't seem to bother him as much as I.

And the problem is, this boy named Draco Malfoy wouldn't leave me alone about it. He heard me talking about my problems with Harry, and now he bothers me. He would tease me about my problems, and mess around with me!


-"K  I  S  S  I  N  G. First comes love, then comes marriage-" 

I quickly turn around, whipping my hair in the process. There stood a blonde headed boy with his goons, smirking down on me.

" Shut up Malfoy! You are a snitch, a pathetic little snitch. Didn't your parents ever teach you manners?" I shout, gripping my hands tightly.

" Oh they did. But it's funny seeing your reaction. Why do you react like this? Is it because it's true?"

They laugh, making my cheeks redden in surprise by their laughter.

" Hey look, she's blushing! It is true, score Malfoy!" Crab yells.

They high five, making me stomp my foot.

" You shut your mouths! You don't know what you're talking about!"

They just laugh, shoving me back. My eyes widen, and I stumble on my feet.

" Oh wait! I forgot, there will be no wedding! Because Oliver doesn't talk to you anymore."

They laugh, making tears spring to my eyes. How dare he say that? It still hurts to talk about it.  

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