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All though out Class, I was thinking about my Quidditch position and of course.. Oliver Wood. Hermione, Harry, Ron and I were heading to Flitwick's class. We sat with partners. Ron sat with Hermione (Rermione, YES), I sat with Harry. "Now Don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing!' squeaked Professor Flitwick, perched on top of his pile of books as usual. "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too." I breathe looking at the feather perched on the desk. I raise my wand to it. "Wingardium Leviosa" I say clearly while I swish and flick my wand. The feather starts to fly in the air.

I hear Hermione say "Stop, Stop Stop. You are going to take somone's eye out. It's Leviosa not Leviosaaa" I hear Ron scoff. "Well if you are so smart, how bout you do it then." Hermione sighs. "Wingardium Leviosa" Her feather and my feather fly in the air. "Look at that. Granger and Iris had done it!" Everyone awes, especially Harry. But I hear the Slytherins scoff.

"Wingardum Levosa, Wingardum Levosa" Seamus says, pronouncing it wrong. "Well done-" Flitwick was interrupted by a blown up feather. Warmness hit my cheek, making it black. I look at Seamus. His hair was up in the air, clothes and face covered in black. "Uh sir..I think they are gonna need another feather." The Slytherins snicker. I roll my eyes, packing up my books. I walk with Harry and Ron and Seamus, Hermione in the back. " "It's Leviosa not Leviosaa" Honestly, She's a nightmare!" Ron scoffs. Hermione pushes passed us. "I think she heard you" Harry says calmly. I whack Ron in the head with my school book.

"How dare you Ronald Bilius Weasley! She was nice to you! She didn't deserve that smart comment of yours!" I whack him in the head again. I knew everyone was looking at us, making Ron blush. "You disappointed me Ronald." I knew he hated being called his full name. I shove passed all three of the boys, going to find Hermione. As I turned a corner, I heard the annoying voice. "Iris!" Malfoy. "Yes Malfoy." I turn around, seeing him lean against a pillar with his goons. I said his name in pure venom. He scoffs walking up to me with his goons.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He says angrily while I roll my eyes. "Yea whatever, I'm going to find a friend. " I turn back around about to head through the corridors till I heard his annoying voice. "Maybe you should pick another color of blush and use it on both cheeks instead of one." He was referring to the black smoke on my cheek. I heard his goons scoff.

I turn back around, heading up to Malfoy. I saw pure fear in their faces, it was funny. I raised my fist up to his face.


I whacked him in the face, hard. "Enjoy the pain Malfoy." I snicker, heading through the corridors. I heard a faint "My father will hear about this!" I laugh to my self. It took me a few minuets to find Hermione. She was sobbing in the girls bathroom.

"Hermione? Are you in here?" She sobs more. "Go to the Feast Y/N, Ill be there in a second." I didn't leave. "I'm not leaving, now open the stall Hermione." She slowly opens the stall door. She had red puffy eyes. "Aww Hermione." She lunges for a hug, I grab her and hug her. I rubbed circles on her back while she sobbed on my shoulder.

"Ron is just a foul git, don't listen to him okay?" She laughs and nods. "Okay" She stops hugging me. "Thanks Y/N, you help a lot you know." I nod my head. "Now lets get going, I'm starving.." Hermione's eyes were full of fear. "Y/....Y/N..." She stuttered.  I turn around slowly. I saw a tall, huge troll with ripped clothes and a bat. "Run!" I shoved Hermione in the stall with me. We both ducked, the troll ripping the top of the stalls. Wood chunks fell on our backs. "You go, I will fight it off!" I yell, Hermione crawls away. I get up. "Get outta here!" The troll swings his bat at me but I grab it, swinging me on his shoulders. 

I see Harry and Ron walk in. They saw me on the troll's shoulders. "HELP ME" I yelled at them. The troll was slashing me around like a rag doll. I was hitting my fists on his head. Hermione had moved to the sinks. I stuck my wand in his nose, making me feel disgusted. "GUYS HELP ME NOW!" The troll had grabbed me by the feet, hanging me upside down. It was swinging at me. I heard Hermione say "Ron, swish and flick!" Ron got his wand out and pointed it at the wooden bat.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron shouted. Harry passed the troll, picking Hermione up from the ground. The bat floated above the trolls head. It looked up at the bat before the bat hit its head, dropping me in the cold water. I groan, feeling the pain in my back. I see black for a second before I get up. I see the troll passed out on the ground, around Hermione, Ron and Harry. I walk over to them. I bend down grabbing my wand out of his nose.

"Eww gross, Troll Boogies." We all made a disgusted face. We were interrupted by a few shoe tapping. We saw Mcgonagall, Snape, and Quirell. "Oh my goodness! E-Explain yourselves!" Mcgonagall said. "Well..What it is-" Harry, Ron and I said at the same time. We were interrupted by Hermione.

"It was my fault Professor Mcgonagall. I went looking for the troll. I read it in books, so I thought I could handle it. If Harry, Y/n and Ron hadn't of saved me, I would of been dead." I was surprised! Hermione Granger telling a fib! "Be as it may, that was very irresponsible!" Mcgonagall said to Hermione with a stern look on her face.

I looked over at Snape. I look down, seeing a big cut on his leg. He is..Bleeding? He must of noticed I was staring since He covered the cut with his black robe...Strange. I look over to see Harry staring at the same place I was staring a second ago. "10 points will be taken off Gryffindor, for your serious lack of Judgement." She said to Hermione. Hermione looked disappointed.

"As for you three." Mcgonagall turned to us. My heart started to beat faster. Was I in trouble? Would people be mad at me for losing house points? Oh no... "Each of you will earn 10 points....For sheer Dumb LUCK." She said sternly, walking away with Snape. The trio and I were very relieved.

"You m-might w-want to go.. I-It might wake up.." Quirrell said in his obvious fake stutter. I smile and roll my eyes at him. Yea whatever. Me and the trio walk out, heading towards the common room. When we got in, I was stopped by a tall figure. He had warm, honey eyes and a soft jawline..Oliver. "Hey Olive!" He was surprised by the nickname. "Olive?" I nod in response.

The trio had already headed to bed, leaving Oliver and I. "So..What 'bout that position?" He said nervously. "What position are you thinking?" He smiled and started again. "Seeker.." I gasped slightly, making him giggle.

 "How do you know I will be any good? Maybe I will suck as a seeker?" He smiled. "Just give it a try.. Please? For OLIVE?" He said in a teasing voice. I smacked his arm hard. "Ow!" He said, fake whining. "Oh stop your whining, you play Quidditch for god sake. But fine I will try out!" We both laugh. God, his laugh is so attractive!

He saw me staring at him, making me and him blush. "Well goodnight Olive!" I said running in embarrassment to the girls' dorms. "Wait-" He was interrupted by the girls' dorm door slamming shut. 

Oliver Wood's POV

"Well goodnight Olive!" Y/N said running to the girls' dorm. I started to think for a second. "Wait-" I was interrupted by the girls' dorm door slamming shut. It was too late. What happened? Why did I do that! I ruined it, I ruined our moment! I was screaming in my head going toward the boys' dorm.


I sigh. "Well thanks for waking us up.." I see all the girls up. "Uh..Well...Sorry." They nod, putting their heads on the pillows. I change into my pajamas, heading towards the bed. I climbed into bed, thinking about that one boy...

Oliver Wood 

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