Down By The Water

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Wilburs P.O.V

Art Credit-ME!!! (Headcanon drawing of Sally)

Wilbur was standing watching as his friends ran and jumped off the dock into Sweet River.

They were laughing enjoying themselves while Wilbur was a little too afraid too. The dark depths of the deep blue mocked him.

"C'mon Will stop being a pussy!" One of his friends shouted splashing water towards him.

Wilbur growled his annoyance he was standing just in his swimming trunks. It was starting to get cold.

He rubbed his arms goosebumps running down his back.

"Uhhh I dunno guys..." Wilbur mumbled looking away.

He couldn't see the bottom of it the thought of the seaweed brushing. Against his leg, the mushy bottom touching his feet.

Wilbur shuttered he told Phil he would be back at. 9 and the sun were just setting he didn't want to go back. To have Techno make fun of him for chickening out.


his thoughts broke he looked at his friend shaking his head he leaned down picking up his beanie.

"Nope, nope I'll take a walk down the lake then come back kay guys?"

His friends rolled their eyes shrugging off their friend Wilbur picked up his towel.

He started walking down the river his feet pressed against the mushy. Grass the willow trees brushing against his arm.

The fireflies buzzed around his ears floating around his face. The sun slowly set behind the hills the honey warm sky speckled with stars.

He slowly descended into the richer side of town the once small ran down shacks. Grew to large polished houses made our of quartz.

He probably looked very weird amongst the rich folk. He was just in his swimming trunks walking along the river.

Right in front of their nice huge houses, they were probably wondering who the hell let a poor person out.

Wilbur soon stopped at the last house it was nice just like the last ones. Three floors probably three bathrooms 5 bedrooms and even a fucking library.

The thing about this one the river that once was wide was now a small creek. But it leads right into a pond.

Then Wilbur feels his heart stop from what he sees next.

There was a girl in the pond she had long red hair that was wet sticking to her white t-shirt.

Wilbur could only see her back but that was enough for him. She had long fish fins on the sides of her face.

They were just barely visible from her long hair.

Wilbur hid behind a tree leaning on a low hanging branch. Admiring her beauty.

She soon dived down into the water her long tail flicked upward showing off her mermaid-like tail.

She didn't come up for about three minutes Wilbur fantasized about what she was doing how her underwater life was. Different from his land life.

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