Chapter 2

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Cassandra downed another glass of alcohol in no time.

"I hate everything." 

"Cass?" Rapunzel's strained voice tried to reason with her, "I know you remain sober even after drinking a lot, but I don't think that's a good enough reason to drink so much alcohol early in the morning. 

"It's my coping mechanism, Raps. Now shut up and leave me alone." And she leaned against the bar in the Snuggly Duckling, grabbing another glass.

"Ugh, this isn't good." Rapunzel tensed, and she pulled out her phone, her eyes searching for Eugene's number, he was always able to stop Cassandra from drinking whenever it got too much, but Cassandra's hand stopped her.


"Don't… don't you dare call that jerk. I don't want to see his face this early in the morning."

Rapunzel sighed heavily. If there was any other way to help Cassandra, it was to deal with her situation, directly. Not sitting here and supporting her as she successfully consumed every glass of alcohol that came in her way. 

Taking a deep breath, she started. "Cass, your father telling you to wait for some time to apply for the Police Academy doesn't mean that he is rejecting it. Maybe... it's because he needs some more time to mentally prepare himself for it."

Fucking Rapunzel. Always finding the best solution to her problems. And as much Cassandra wanted to deny it, maybe she was right.

"Maybe you are right…" She whispered heavily as her hold on the glass loosened.

Good, that went well.

"Hey," Rapunzel said in a soft voice, attempting to distract her from the alcohol, "You know, maybe instead of storming out of, you should've talked it out with your father."

"I am not the one for talks." She grumbled heavily. 

Suddenly Rapunzel's phone rang, and she saw a call from her father. "Ah, and now I have to go to that mental charity hospital visit with my dad." She looked at Cassandra sadly, and that led Cassandra to roll her eyes.

"Just leave." She mumbled. 

"Okay then," her voice was high-pitched and cheerful again, making Cassandra wince a little. "I'll see you later in the evening! And don't you dare stay here late." She smiled, handing her over some hangover pills. "You'll need it." And she darted out of there.

Rapunzel. Cassandra sighed. The perfect daughter any parent could ask for, the perfect girlfriend any boyfriend can ask for, the perfect friend any friend could ask for, and someday, a perfect wife and even a mother. And here was Cassandra. Broken, crushed and fucked up. What was wrong with her? Why was she like that? Maybe she was just born that way.

4 days later

The shrill ringtone of Cassandra's phone jolted her awake from her power nap, and groaning, she reached out for it.


"Now what?" muttering to herself with a disappointed sigh, she answered the call.

"Hey, Raps."

"Cass! Hey!" Rapunzel's shrill voice made Cassandra jerk her head away from her phone. She knew this side of her best friend, it was the sign of her overreacting to a certain irrelevant piece of information that made her happy. 

"What is it, Raps?" Her voice was heavy because of her waking up in the middle of her nap, but fortunately, or rather, unfortunately, Rapunzel didn't notice. 

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