Chapter 10

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Warning:Mature Themes,Rape,Self Harm

"Diana?"he called.

The poor woman was thrown on the bed,pinned down.Claude had gripped on her wrists,digging his nails in as Diana whimpered in tears.

She knows.She's not just a dancer but a prostitute.She needed to sell her body to eat.

But when she first met him,Claude had treated so different than the other neigbouring kingdoms she had visited.Diana had been stunned by Claude's kindness and hospitality.Neither of the emperors had been a convienience.Rotten,scrawny old men had tried to sleep with her so may times that Diana had no choice but to flee.

She knew how Claude watched her dance in their first ball meeting.Their First tea party.Their First Boat ride.All of which Diana had enjoyed everytime.She dreams of moments like to last,so she could be with him forever.

Her mischief and tempered attitude was only a way of hoping Claude might want to keep her longer.She thought Claude maybe,just maybe,wanted a friend by his side.

Even if it's just for awhile,I want to stay

"I'm sorry,Your Majesty,"
Claude heard her between her sobbing.

"I-I got out of hand.P-Please forgive me,"

She knows.She will never be a queen.Just a dancer whose body is to satisfy men's eyes and soul.Just no one.Just a useless,tempered slut.

Diana didn't have to courage to face Claude anymore.She had been wrong all along.Claude is just the same as those other men.

Diana closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek.Giving up in Claude's hands.If it's going to be this way,let it be.At least I'll have a chance to make him happy.At least,I'll be the one who will keep him company.

Diana sat up.Her dress had been ripped and her hair was all over the place.Her shoes were forgotten,nowhere to be seen.The number of scars on her arms had gone light,more clear and seemed to spread more and more.

Her red eyes gleamed as the moon shone on her face.

Claude saw her eyes black out.Numb.Uncolorful as he had remembered.

"Please,use me,"
"Your Majesty,"she begged.

Hello Everyone,Euphoria Muse here
I am so very sorry for not updating in such a long time.I've been busy studying,stress from school and lets just say my mental health is very much declining.

I've been experiencing writer's block bad and hard and I couldn't even write 2 good sentences for months.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.I hope to update more often.
Thank you for always reading and supporting the story.
I love you guys all.

Always be healthy and be happy

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Thank you
Love,Euphoria Muse

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