Chapter 13

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"You look well,Your Majesty,"
Diana looked tired but she was happy when Claude had recovered.She couldn't hide her smile when she was suppose to be angry.

They sat down and had tea.

"I'd like to apologize for what I've done.I brought you in as another woman I'd play with then leave you when I got bored.

I had no such second thoughts on what I did to those previous women but I couldn't bare seeing you cry.

I love having you around.Seeing you everyday.Hearing your stories and your smile.

Claude's cheeks turned a little red.

"I'm trully sorry.It was not an excuse to treat someone like this.I will never do such things anyone ever again,"

"But if you may,
I'm asking you to stay with me,Diana,"

Diana widen her eyes that the cold emperor she knew was standing in front her.Saying words she never thought she could hear.From him of all people.

Diana smiled and nodded,"I'd like to stay with you too,"

For Diana,Claude was never a bad person,rather he was lonely.He wanted anyone to stay with him,to make him happy.He thought bringing women would satisfy him.He was mourning the loss of loosing his fiance to his own brother.

But this time,
He had someone who chose him.

Hi everyone,I am so sorry I haven't updated in a very long time.I was very swamped with exams and assignments

I updated the last 2 chapters finally.
Don't worry we're not ending yet.
I'll be back with what you may call a new arc.I'm not sure when but I'll be updating very soon

Thankyou so much for always supporting and I am so sorry to keep you guys waiting so much.I hope you enjoy reading these chapters:)

Don't forget to vote,comment,and share.

See you soon!

-Euphoria Muse

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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