Chapter 11

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"Please,just use me already,"she pleaded.

I do not care if you use me
I don't care if you don't even love me
I don't care if you think I'm just a dancer a prostitute
A peasant
A wench

"Your majesty?"

"Should I get started for you?"
She took of her veil and began to unbutton her clothes.

Claude watched in displease and perplexed.What is she doing right now?She yelled at me,screamed at me.Called me names.

But suddenly she acts like a obedient puppy to satisfy his master.


"I'm tired,Your Majesty.

I do not need of your love and kindess.I do not need you to love me and make me your mistress.
What I want is to stay by your side.
I'll be your loyal companion who will never betray or despise you.

What I ask is your acceptance for me to stay.

I don't need anything else
And if you hate me I won't question you any longer.

"Your feelings are erratic and impulsive,but your words carry hesitation and doubt.

You told me you want to be with me but you cast me out again and again.You hold me tea parties for us to get closer then you treat me like a stranger again.

What is it that you want from me?

I've told you my sincere feelings but why must you act so dubious?

I apologize for stepping out of bound


I can't stand it

I hate you

I hate you for treating me like this

But I can't and won't leave you

For I've fallen in love with you
Like an hopeless moron whose fallen head over heels and not knowing what's right and wrong

Diana chuckled.

"But I can't bare seeing you lonely and desperate.

After I found out what happenned between you and Penelope Judith and what she did to you.

"I'm just trying my best to be your friend,Your Majesty.

I know you have your reasons

But I won't ever leave you,"

Diana was in tears.She took a very large step for her speech.Not knowing if she would be executed the next day or banished overnight.

But she needed to know
She wants to know
How this lone wolf emperor she loves feels about her
His true feelings about her

If he casts me out again
Then this will be my last resort
I will stop trying

And I won't ever come near this kingdom or the Emperor again.

I'll leave peacefully and I won't speak a word about this.

Hi guys,Thank you for Reading!!
Hope you enjoyed Chapter 11

I tried making Claude having very complex feelings and having so much second thoughts.I think Claude is the type of person to push people away because he doesn't want to engage any feelings or anything serious.If you read the manwha or novel you might understand how he acts haha.I'm trying to make sure the character stays in.

I tried making Diana to act like Athy(They're mother and daughter after all.

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