Sea YOU.

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You see, stretched far and wide, the ocean.
It is just as your every move and motion.
You always seem to come and go.
Sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
But you never go away or leave for good.
I can always find traces of where you stood.
And if I follow each of them, one after the other.
I can always find you, putting two and two together.

Do you see, up above, the pale blue skies?
It is just as empty as the look in your eyes.
Your soul seems very tired and strained
Your heart is left behind, darkly stained.
I have seen you search like a lonely ghost in the night.
Across bodies of water, forests, and deserts for light.
And till this day you are still roaming around.
Searching for difference in the monotone sound.

But now, do you see, beneath us all, the earth?
It is just as fertile as the happiness you birth.
You leave behind a trail wherever you go.
Many things are added with each tomorrow.
Fireflies, flowers, dew, a soft breeze grow.
Yet, you never look back, only in sorrow.
I wish you could see the truth in what you do.
Not just what or how you are, but also who.

And just as you can't see the winds, even when all around.
You don't notice how free you are and unable to be bound.
You bring change in the weather of life.
But you never stop your roaming or strife.
Your wings are strong but all grows tired.
So please accept how you are wired.
One day you will find a good place to build a nest.
And I hope it is in my arms you will find your rest.

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