Chapter sixteen: Grumpy Girls and White Swirls

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Hiccup and Merida were what you'd call unlikely friends.

Hiccup was smart, calm and collected. He never tended to lash out and just kept to himself a lot. Merida wasn't like that.

She was loud, outgoing, extremely passionate. She broke a lot of norms and she wasn't afraid to show up and show out when she could. Which is why it was so surprising that they got along that great.

Hiccup and Merida were friends straight from the start. They met in the third grade, when they were paired for a project together. Merida was Elsa's best friend and because she and Jack had to do the project together, and Jack was his friend, they found themselves hanging out a lot. They were got along really well and just sort of, balanced each other out. Which, again, was unexpected. In fact, it was Jack and Elsa, who were so similar, that hated each other.

Merida always stuck up for him and he made it his job to help her academically. They worked well, and they were a team just as strong as Jack and Elsa.

And that's why Merida was a little miffed right now.

"Astrid Hofferson? Why do we need to get her?" Hiccup tried to hide his smile. "Because, I told her I'd give her a ride home."
"But why? You've never given her a ride before. Besides today of all days? You know we've got a mission today Hiccup. Ugh, you can be such a dobber!"

Again, he tried to hide his smile. It was kind of sweet how she called him so many Scottish insults, he knew what they meant by now. She called him an idiot.

Of course she had her car, but Flynn asked her to borrow it this afternoon because he was going out of town. So he took it after school, and she was riding with Hiccup, because they were going to the same place anyway.

Huffing, she walked crossed her arms and they walked to the car. For extra measure, Hiccup put an arm around her shoulder, just to make her scowl. They got the car and Merida was begrudgingly about to climb into the front seat, when she saw Astrid leaning on the passenger side door. She glanced at Hiccup's arm around Merida and Merida could see her smile waver.

"Hey guys. We're ready to go?" Hiccup nodded and walked to the driver's side, but Astrid didn't move. The two girls stared at each other and neither made a move. Finally, Astrid spoke, "Actually, I kind of want to get home fast, I have to get ready for an event?"

Merida smiled sweetly.

"Oh! Sure! No problem lass. If you could just scooch over to let me get in, we'll be off."
"I'm sure it's no problem if I sit shotgun, I'm right here. Plus, you're shorter than I am, so you'll be more comfortable than me."

The nerve! The wee gommy just took a jab at her! Before she could fire back,Hiccup rolled down the window.

"Come on Mer, just get it in the back before so we can get going." With her face the color of her hair, she sat in the back seat and slammed the door as hard as she could.

"Jeez Mer! One more like that and it's gone."
"Drive Hiccup.

Merida smiled.

She knew what Astrid was doing. She was trying to assert her dominance and won over Hiccup. Clearly that was the case and for what reason, any dabbler could see the it: she liked Hiccup.

And it just so happened that she needed to get going to her little event, so it might pose a tiny problem if Merida were to, say, make Hiccup stop at Duke's to pick up her usual afternoon snack.

She knew it was risky leaving her in the car with him, but she knew him well and she knew that if Astrid tried to flirt with him, he would
A.) freak out and botch himself by being awkward or B.) he would completely miss it and it even realize she was making a move on him.

The line was pretty long (one of the reasons she insisted on stopping by at this particular time) and she was getting antsy so she pulled out her phone and checked her texts.

Elsa A.

Anna is being crazy!! If I have
to spend one more second
here I'm going to SCREAM!!!!

Anna is the most annoying sister
in the history of sisters.

I kinda feel bad should I apologize.

I want to strangle her!!!

Might of had a blizzard related
accident in the dining room. I'll
call you tonight :/

Merida laughed a little. Obviously it was kinda sad that Elsa and Anna were fighting, but Elsa was adorable over text and she was one of those people who got red in the face when texting angrily and imagining it made Medusa's heart sore.

As her thumbs dance above the screen about to write a text back, her head was harshly yanked to the side by a really tall dude who's watch caught onto her hair.

"Aye you bumbling buttmunch! Why don't you watch where you're going?"

The scoffed and shook his head at her, then pulled his black coat tighter around him and walked out the store.

Okay, maybe that was her fault but she'd never admit that.

After buying her food, Merida walked back to the car happily, where Hiccup was squirming in the drivers seat and Astrid looked miffed as she expected.

"What's the problem lass? You look a wee bit upset darling." She slammed the door behind her and Hiccup started driving again.

The air in the car was incredibly thick with tension which made her extremely pleased and to get even more of a kick, she put her feet up on the back seat and took out a messy, dripping , greasy hamburger from the bag.

"Aw come on Mer! The seats aren't even covered! Can you at least use a napkin?" She rolled her eyes.

"Can I turn up the heat? I don't know why it's so cold right now." Hiccup nodded and Astrid turned up the heater. "Jeez," Hiccup said squinting, "I can't barely see the road. Why is it so foggy." Merida looked outside.

The road around, behind and infront of them was dusty white and they couldn't see anything. Finally, Hiccup pulled over.

"Guys," Merida said, "That's not fog. It's snow."


I know this chapter sucks ok I'm just blocked and I have no idea what to write so pls have some Mericcup/Hiccstrid fillers 😘

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