𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 1)

644 10 13

Hello guys, how have you been? It's been a while, welp dbdbbdbd
Here is a new one-shot, after such a long time without posting a thing here. I'll try to be more active so hopefully I won't take as long to upload anymore :D

P.s: This is a different take on my soulmates AU, where lovers share a mark instead of a string.
Also this thing is gonna be really big, especially the second part👁👄👁👌

Plot: Soulmate marks exist and Ao-ki knows it, everyone does. But when she discovers a flame mark on her palm, she wishes she didn't.


- Ha, I told you guys! We won again, as I knew we would!

These excited words came from a tired but happy fiery that along with his friends was walking back to Iskador after a battle against the Eclypsors. Despite having succeded in defeating their enemies like they always did, it was still a pretty harsh battle for them all. Most of them ended up with the slightest wounds, some worst than others. It wasn't something heavy or severe, it could be much worse. That didn't mean they didn't need to be taken care of though.

Once they arrived at the flying fortress Ao-ki didn't lose any more time, ordering them to sit down so she could heal them. She decided to focus particularly on the ones that were worse while who was better helped with the smaller wounds.

- Alright Ikor, since you mostly have some small scratches you'll help by checking Trek and Eron's state. Riff, come here, I have to take care of that hand - Ao-ki ordered firmly, making Ikor nod and get to work while Riff quickly came up to her, showing her his right hand as soon as he sat down.

During their battle, the boy ended up injuring his hand, a wound that could have been much worse if he didn't have a glove to protect it. Despite how strong it was, the fabric had a big hole on it, showing the wounded skin underneath. Riff would be lying if he said it didn't hurt the smallest bit and that was evident when he let out a small groan once the girl touched his hand.

- Don't worry, this is gonna be quick Riff. I'll try to be as gentle as I can - Ao-ki said soothingly, calming Riff down a bit. Noticing he seemed a bit more relaxed, the girl carefully removed the ripped glove, revealing his hand at last.

The cut wasn't as big as she was expecting, something that made her sigh in relief. However, it was still a bit ugly, she would say, ugly enough to be in the verge of a bleeding. No wonder he was having a hard time ignoring the pain. She immediately went to work, carefully holding his hand as she used her light powers to heal him. Her own hand rested on top of his while she deeply focused, making him smile as the pain went away at last. Upon hearing a relieved sigh coming from him she smiled to herself as well, glad she managed to get rid of that painful cut and make him feel better.

- Alright, let's see... - she took her hand away, pleased to see the skin was completely fine, as if it had never been injured in the first place. Just to be sure he wasn't in any more pain she slowly ran her fingers through his palm, just to check if he would feel something. However, that movement seemed to trigger something else, leaving her a bit startled for some seconds.

Ao-ki wasn't really sure but as she ran her fingers through his hand, she was able to spot something appearing briefly on his palm, something that seemed to glow. She didn't even know what it was since it dissapeared just as quickly as it came. Still, it managed to catch her off guard, making her blink confusingly. What the...

- Ao-ki? - Riff's voice brought her back to reality, prompting her to look up at him quickly, choosing to dismiss what just happened. She was probably just tired anyways - Is everything okay?

- Yes, it is! Your hand is as good as new! - she said happily, watching as he gets his hand away from hers, checking it to confirm she was indeed right. It didn't even look like a cut was there some minutes ago.

𝙶𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚒 - 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now