𝘍𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩 (𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 2)

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When the sun rose the next day, everyone was already awake and prepared for the journey through the forest. Even Ikor was wide awake, despite not really having slept at all, his eyes either fixed on his book or on his sick crush.

Before leaving, Ao-ki left him a handwritten list, full of tasks for him to do if Eron didn't need assistance and things he should do to help Eron get better until they had the ingredients and were back. She also warned him to eat something, since they wouldn't be back until noon.

"I'm gonna spend the entire day with him!? Oh my lord...."

When the two heralds and the guardian left, Ikor was already a mess, his mind travelling through the possible scenarios that could occur this afternoon. But why was he so nervous?! He was just gonna take care of his sick friend, that was all! There was no need for him to feel like this!

He made it to Eron's room without knocking anything over or dropping the bowl of water he was holding, putting it down slowly as he took a long look at Eron's face. He looked peaceful and calm now but he knew that as soon as he placed the cold towel in his forehead he would react for sure. And that was exacly what happened next.

- I-Ikor....?

The icy turned his gaze to Eron abruptly, watching as the poor windy made his best to look up at him, his eyes narrowed in an attempt to stay awake and focused on the ice herald. Despite his debilitated state he managed to crack a small, sweet smile that made the usually cold icy completly melt inside. This feeling was seriously getting harder and harder to ignore.

- Eron! I-I'm glad to see you awake. H-How are you feeling? - Ikor asked nervously, still trying to get over that gorgeous smile Eron gave him only seconds ago. This boy was really starting to mess with him and maybe, just maybe, he did like it.

- Kinda weird....to be honest - Eron said between coughs, worrying Ikor a bit - I feel cold...and my throat kinda hurts...

- That's okay, I'll make you some tea, if you want. Just try not to force it that much, okay? - Ikor ordered softly, a small smile painted on his face as the windy nodded quietly, letting him know he got the message.

As Ikor was about to leave to go make the tea he felt a cold hand grabbing his abruptly, making him turn to the windy once again, confusion written all over his face.

- Do you....need anything else Eron? - Ikor asked, felling himself getting embarrassed all over again because of the contact they were sharing right now. The feeling increased even more as he felt Eron squeeze his hand weakly, his deep blue eyes glued on his.

- Thank you, Ikor - he whispered softly, the low tone of his voice full of gratitude in it. Ikor was sure his face was basically covered with a blush even darker than Riff's fiery hair at this point but despite this, he managed to mumble a quiet "no problem", smiling genuinely at the windy.

After this, Ikor left to finally make some tea to give to Eron, coming back just as quickly as he left. He had a hard time swallowing it down, but he managed after a while, taking his time to let the tea cool down a bit. When he was finally finished he ended up falling asleep, giving Ikor some time to get back to his book, but not before checking Eron's temperature of course. Yes, Ao-ki did leave him chores to do when the sick windy didn't need his help. But Ikor didn't really feel like leaving Eron on his own, even if it was for a second, he was too worried about him. Ao-ki would understand for sure.

And just like this, 2 more hours passed, the only sounds audible being pages flipping and soft breaths coming from both boys. However, that was soon gonna change.

Ikor was so focused on his book that he didn't even notice Eron slowly sitting on the bed, his body shivering slightly as he abandoned the warmth of the blankets and clumsily got up from the bed. As his feet made contact with the ground, the ice herald finally came back to reality, looking incredulously at the windy.

- Eron, what are you...- Ikor's voice died down as he took a closer look at Eron's face, quickly realizing what was going on as he slowly rose up from the small couch he was sitting in. Eron's face was deeply flushed, his semi open eyes and drowsy, dazed expression making Ikor sure he was having another sleepwalking episode, something that Eron had sometimes. After so many situations similar to this, the ice herald was sure he would be able to deal with this situation pretty easily. However what the wind herald did next was able to catch the icy completly off guard.

- I-Ikor - Eron mumbled dreamily, slowly walking up to a now paralyzed Ikor, surprisingly managing to not knock anything down or even falling to the ground himself.
Instead, he fell straight on top of the shocked icy and proceeded to do something that almost made Ikor faint.

As Eron fell on top of Ikor, completly stuck in his dream and unaware of what he was doing, he accidentally connected his lips to Ikor's, his eyes completely closed now. Ikor was sent back to the small couch, his eyes wide open as he realised what was going on, a giant blush covering his blue cheeks. He knew he had to take Eron out of him, he knew he was just hallucinating because of the high fever and the sleepwalking thing. But he just couldn't. He physically couldn't.

He found himself closing his own eyes, his arms around his waist in an attempt to keep the windy steady as he mindlessly kissed him back, completly lost in the kiss they were sharing. It felt so good that all the thoughts he had in his mind disappeared, making him enjoy it while it lasted.

The ice herald only came back to reality as he felt the windy sliding down slowly, his lips disconnecting from his. His head ended up resting on Ikor's chest as Eron went back to a rather peaceful slumber, despite the now burning fever he had once more.

- What...what just happened...? - Ikor mumbled nervously, his face redder and hotter than ever before. His breaths were quick and his hands were shaky, thoughts of the pure and innocent wind herald running through his mind at a rapid speed. Meanwhile Eron was just there, breathing calmly and sleeping like nothing had happened.

Ikor knew his temperature was higher and he had to take Eron out of him and bring his fever down. But instead, he just stayed there for a while, completly paralyzed as he processed what had happened just some minutes ago.

He wasn't sure what he would do when the others arrived and Eron came back to his senses. He couldn't tell them about this! However, there was one thing he was sure of.

This feverish windy would most likely be the cause of many future sleepless nights.....

𝙶𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚒 - 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now