𝘛𝘩e 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 2)

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- The symbols are okay, everything is in place and I have all the information needed here. I think I can finally start...

Ao-ki sighed tiredly, looking aprehensively at the still freshly drawn symbols and circles on the ground, all of them forming a really complicated but slightly beautiful sequence, that in theory, was the answer to all her problems. This current setting still looked kinda creepy though, making her grab the dark book she was holding tighter, her fingers pressing against its sides to the point where it already hurt a bit.

This was dangerous and risky. She knew that. During her training the lords told her multiple times she should never, in any circumstances, mess with dark energy and that whatever she needed it for, it would only make it worst. These books said otherwise though.

Maybe it was the despair that was blinding her, to the point of actually risking her life to use darkan energy to remove a goddamn scar, just because it glowed in and out of her dreams and was creeping the hell out of her.

Yes, maybe it was that.

- Yes, I know tower, I still remember what they said. But I can't take this anymore - she looked up at the tower's ceiling, answering her frenetic squeals - It's gonna go well, I promise. But you can't try, in any way, to break the ritual. Understood?

Because the last part sounded deadly serious, Ao-ki's voice showing how committed she was to this, the tower didn't really oppose, only letting out a faint noise, that made Ao-ki feel calmer. She never used such a cold and superior tone with her friend but this situation asked for it. She needed to be sure everything was going to go according to her plan. Being risky or not.

Sitting in the middle of the circle, Ao-ki placed the book right in front of her, before taking her bracelet and pulling her sleeve up. She then stretched her arm up to the front, her scar completly exposed now. Despite her confidence, she was still feeling anxious and unsure about this "solution". But for some reason, looking at those black lines made all the bitterness she has been feeling come back, giving her the determination she needed so much.

She closed her eyes, feeling the energy flow through her fingers as she recited the mysterious yet incoherent words specified on the book. The pain in her scar came back at full force but she didn't care. This had to be done.

Outside of her room was already the fire herald, looking aprehensively at her door. Was this really a good idea? Maybe she was fine and he was just hallucinating or being paranoid, which didn't suit him at all. But as he got his ear closer to the door, he realised that maybe he wasn't getting as crazy as he thought he was.

He could hear her voice, but something was wrong. Not only was she muttering literal gibberish but it all sounded so lifeless and monotonous, something that didn't fit her at all. Her voice was also extremely muffled by creepy sounds that came from the room, making him panic. What was going on in there?!

The tower's suddent squeaks made him jump abruptly, prompting him to look up at the beautiful green stone that blinked in a frenetic rhythm.

- Tower, what's happening in there?! Zotobo, I can't understand you! - he said frustratingly, running his hands through his hair. The door was locked, he couldn't get in. Besides, she wouldn't hear him at all, there was too much noise in there. What could he do?

To his surprise, the doorknob started moving on its own accord, reminding him that he was currently living in a magic tower. She must have wanted to get his attention so he could stop whatever was happening on the room.

Thanking the tower silently, he opened the door quickly, his eyes wide open upon what he saw right in front of him.

Wind was blowing inside of the room, making him grab something to keep himself steady. In its centre was a circle and some symbols, drawn not so long ago. Sitting in the middle of it was his dear friend, with the scariest appearance that he had ever seen on her, even worst than her dark herald form. Her eyes were glowing once more, but not with that characteristically beautiful blue that was her light. It glowed dark purple, just like the tip of her fingers and her left arm. What he saw there left him even more shocked, as it appeared to be a scar. And then, right there, everything made sense.

𝙶𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚒 - 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now