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Author's notes: After seeing the promo of the first episode of season 3 and get to know what happened on the full episode I got some theories about it. One of them is that Eklos's tribe could have an energy similar to Ao-ki's and that she could be connected to the Eclypsors somehow. Another theory I have is that the fire tribe could have once been known as a source of light. Most specifically, they could once have been known as the solarks. So this scene would be a turning point for them and a giant change would happen on their tribe.

This one-shot is also inspired by the song above. Listen to it while reading this please :)

Plot: The kids are on the past, desesperatly trying to go home. They figured out how to properly use the alpha energy and summon their gormiti friends but it's just not the same. All of them want to go back, especially Ao-ki. She misses her dear tower and the peace she had. Since she arrived in this place, those eclypsors keep on trying to hurt them, almost like Voidus did. But are they really the bad guys? Or do the solarks give them reasons to be like this?
Is she more similar to them than she thought?


The kids sat on the ground, shocked beyond words. They were in the middle of the forest, with Keryon sitting right in front of them wearing a really serious expression. Telling them the truth wasn't easy, especially telling HER the truth. She deserved to know though, and he was willing to take the necessary risks for her to know everything about the power she possesses.

After what seemed like an eternity, she looked up at him, her whole body trembling nervously. In the corner of his eyes, he saw his herald landing his hand on hers reassuringly, but still without taking his eyes from him.

-C-can you please explain everything again? I think my head is spinning...

He knew this would be hard, especially for her and for his herald but this had to be told. Sighing heavily, he got closer to them, looking straight at her.

- Sol and Eklos's war was bigger than you think. Eklos was once part of the solarks but he was different. His light was something they had never seen before. After seeing how people rejected him and didn't trust him for being different he discovered the eclypsors. Their energy was similar to his, except for the purple darkness they had. The truth is, both tribes could be considered light. While the solarks had sunlight, the eclypsors had moonlight. But people only saw the darkness and that's why they became the evil tribe they are now. They wanted revenge on the ones that gave them only hate and treated them like outcasts. They wanted justice and equality. But things went horribly wrong. When the final battle between these two tribes finally ended, both of them were damaged. While the solarks had their element go through a drastic change, the eclypsors lost an important part of themselves. An energy you possess Ao-ki...

- Their light....- Ao-ki whispered, looking in distress at her own hands. All the boys were looking aprehensively at their guardian, their heads full of questions that not even Ao-ki could answer. All of a suddent, the girl shot her head up again, looking worriedly at the lord.

-Is this battle....still about to happen?

Keryon had no time to answer, thanks to an explosion that was heard not so far away, almost like the one they felt the first time they arrived here. Feeling a giant wave of adrenaline washing over her, Ao-ki got up quickly, her legs surprisingly steady as she rose to her feet and ran far away, to the source of the overwhelming sound. The lord had no time to stop the boys either as they run after her, screaming her name desesperatly. He followed them though, knowing fully well what was coming. He didn't want them to see the chaos with their own eyes but maybe it was for the best.


Ao-ki didn't know how to explain it but something was attracting her to that place. She didn't care about the loud noises or her friends shouts, she just wanted to get there. When she did though, she came back to reality, as the screams of terror overwhelmed her senses and the sigh in front of her made her knees weaken again.

In front of her stood the eclypsors' fortress. She had seen it before during other battles but never like this. The whole place was surrounded by a suffocating amount of smoke, the fortress and part of the forest burning with an uncontrolled fire. Multiple eclypsors were on the ground, uselessly trying fight back the fire or escape. All of them seemed to be extremely weak, some of them weren't even moving at all. Eklos was nowhere to be seen but she was able to spot Lord Sol floating above the giant mess he created, his own face showing how shocked he was himself.

Once again, the poor girl became a shivering mess, as she looked at the terrifying scene with an almost lifeless look on her face. For some seconds, the world around her seemed to stop as she tried to process what exacly was happening in front of her. The fire, the smoke, everything was overwhelming her in ways she had no strength to even express. Why was she feeling this way for a tribe that had only hurt them from the start?

Maybe because she was also part of them and because all the answers she could get were being burned right in front of her eyes.

Seeing this tribe being burned down to ashes made her sick to her stomach and the pain in her chest unbearable.

Finally, everything came back to her as her legs gave in and she fell to her knees, screaming like she had never screamed in her entire life. A giant amount of tears flowed down her face and hit the ground underneath, actually killing the small leaves and grass that were soaked by it. If she couldn't hear anything before, now the screams echoed inside her head, sounds that she wouldn't forget so soon. All strength she had completly abandoned her as she was left kneeling there, shaking from head to toe, her hand uselessly trying to reach for the fire.

She barely heard the boys arriving, their cries muffled by her own screams. She didn't see their faces, but they were just as terrified as her. Eron grabbed Ikor for dear life, desperately trying to look away. Ikor hugged him back, caring more about the traumatized windy in his arms than the fire and the heat themselves. Trek leaned against a tree, still tired from the run and because the scenario left him even weaker. And Riff? The boy focused his attention on the chaos for at least 5 seconds, until he realised one of the people screaming was Ao-ki. Gathering all the strength he still had left, he ran up to her, falling to the ground right beside her. He hugged her protectively, not really caring how loud her screams were since he himself felt like he could scream all day now.

She finally noticed his presence, grabbing him weakly as he felt her shivering on his arms. The tears he had been holding finally started to fall, mixing themselves with hers as the two broken kids stayed there, contemplating what their tribes had turned into. The worst part was that whatever they did, they couldn't change what had been done. They could only watch as both tribes destroyed themselves in the middle of a useless war. Was this justice and equality? No, it wasn't. And I have a funny feeling Sol also knows that.

Since the moment he caught up with the heralds the only thing Keryon could do was just stare at the chaotic mess, multiple memories he tried so badly to forget coming to haunt him again. How could they have done this? How could HE have done this? He didn't deserve the title he has now. How did he think a simple name could hide what he had done?

Books were burned, things were forgotten, tribes moved on. But him? Changing his name and adapting to his new element wasn't enough. At least not for him. Because for Keryon this day would always be remembered as his biggest nightmare.

The day light became fire....

𝙶𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚒 - 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now