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Kuroo asked the whole team the same question the team said that they are ok the only people that said they would was Yaku and lev.
Shortly after you guys get to the restaurant you guys sit down lev across from you Kenma fight next to you,  no one cares where kuroo and yaku sit.. you will see later just use your imagination wherever you want yaku and kuroo to sit.
"Y/n your really pretty" lev said, Kenma glares at lev.
You laugh a little at Kenmas reaction "thank you lev"  you smile at lev and kisses Kenma on the cheek and yaku kicked lev.
Soon the waitress/ waiter took our orders for drinks
"I will have a-" y/n said being cut off by Kenma
"She'll take a water" Kenma looks and y/n from is game " when was the last time you had water?"
"I don't know.. but I don't like water"
"I don't care... you need to be Heathy"
"Kenma when was the last time you had water?"  Kuroo and yaku asked Kenma at the same time.
"I don't know" Kenma keeps continues playing his game.
Kuroo looks at the waitress/ waiter and says "they will both just have a water"
"Ok the drinks will be right out" said the waiter\waitress and walks away.
"have you guys trying the new monster flavor it came out like two days ago.. ultra gold.. that one is fucking good.. I am kind of sad   Ultra Citron got disconnected.. assholes" you say
"How many monsters do you drink in a day?!" Lev asked
"Like 5 a day" you say

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