Part 2

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The end of the game* y/n POV
I should walk up to him, no I shouldn't, yeah I should, fuck it I will.
3rd person POV
"Hey" y

said happily in a voice like always.
"Oh hi" says kenma in his usual voice looking up from his game.
"Do you wanna hang sometime?"
"Umm sure"
"Now.. if that is ok" Kenma said with a stop at the end.
"Ok great "
Daichi and suga see this, suga is happy for y

and kind of nervous for how daichi feels about this. Daichi is like heck no. Y/n and Kenma get up. Suga smiles and daichi not know how this is going to go. Daichi walks up to them and says.
"Y/n where are you going "
"Oh I am going with kenma"
"Ok.. I will text you when I want you to start coming home"
They start walking again.
"So where do you wanna go?"
"Umm I don't know if i am being honest, I thought you were cute"
Kenma's cheeks turn red.
"Well I think you are cute too"
You stop in your tracks and kiss him on the lips softly and Kenma kisses back, you guys stay there for a while till you guys hear Tanaka and noya cracking jokes. You guys both pull away.
"Fuck you guys" y/n said with a blush.
"Haha your flustered because we say you with your booyyffrieeend" Tanaka said making fun of her more by saying booyyffrieeend.
"Does daichi know about this one... or" noya said before getting cut off be y/n
"No he doesn't I would like to keep it that way for a while ok?! So don't tell him." you said with saltiness in your voice.
You walk away with Kenma following you. Tanaka and noya leave not going to tell daichi because their friend ship means a lot to her and it was one of the best things she had had sense her parents divorcing and her mom leaving her and daichi.
"So you wanna get ice cream."
"Umm I was thinking of going to the convent store to get snacks and go to my place"
"Oh that is way better than my idea "
For awhile you guys walk till you get there and at the register is non-other than your mom
"Hey how may I he-" her words get cut off when she she you. "What are you doing here" she said in disgust.
"Me? It is none of your business."
"Uhm. Well it is sad that you born. Well I mea-"
"What the fuck is wrong with you" y/n cut off her so called mother
" why are you here?"
" umm why did you leave? Like I mean the fu-" y/n hand is now being held by Kenma. Y/n looking at Kenma's golden eyes calming down a bit. Not much tho.
"Let's ju-" Kenma's Quiet words got cut off by y/n
"I will be outside you get whatever you want "
Y/n walks out of the store going to cry, sits on the curb and waits for kenma

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