Chapter 1: Buttercup

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Hey welcome to the first chapter!
Sorry I didn't do any character aesthetic or cast...I think it's better when you can envision them yourself.
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His Missing Piece
Chapter 1: Buttercup

Do you ever feel like your drowning- like your slowly suffocating and no one is there to help you...instead they push you farther down as you feel yourself slowly falling out of consciousness.

Welcome to my life because that's basically how I feel on a daily.

Fucked up. I know. I can't help it though.

Today I woke up to my alarm on my phone blasting at 6 in the morning. I threw my phone across the room in attempt to shut it up.

"Dammit. That's not helping," i stomped out of bed.

I hate waking up early for school. If we're being honest I hate waking up period. There's nothing worse then waking up knowing your going to hate every second your breathing for hours.

I walked into my bathroom attached to my room. I turned on the light and just stared into the mirror. Looking at myself. This was the thing I hated the most about getting ready. Seeing me. Hating who I've become.

I quickly jumped in the shower letting the hot water burn my skin. I stepped out and put my towel on. I didn't even bother looking to the mirror.

I grabbed my outfit which consisted of black ripped jeans, a oversized Nike hoodie and some Air Forces.

I decided to keep my hair in its natural curl. I don't usually do any makeup besides some mascara and highlighter.

I walked downstairs to find myself alone in the house. No surprise there. My parents aren't ever around. I see them on the weekends that's it and that's only if it fits in their schedule. But I guess I though maybe they would be here today. It's my first day at a new school after...doesn't matter but it's my first day.

This is why I don't get my hopes up. It's always better to expect the worse so your not disappointed.

My stomach started growling causing immense pains. This was the worst part out what I do. I realized I haven't eaten since Saturday was now Monday morning. Maybe a little banana won't hurt, no, It probably will.

Before I could even change my mind I rushed outside locking the door and began my walk to school. At least it would help me loose weight. I know how this sounds. You probably think Im insane. Everyone tells me they would kill for my body, why? This is the one thing that makes me want to die. So instead I brush off all of their words and stick to my plan.

It's not like anyone notices anyway...


I finally got to school. I rushed to my locker and thank goodness I didn't screw up my combo. One problem though...I have no idea where anything is.

Dammit. It's like those cliche romance movies where you have to ask some hot dude where to go. Honestly at this point I could just pick any dude they're all hot af, not good in my case.

Just as I spotted my victim I bump into a rock hard chest making me fall on my ass.

"Do you not look where your going? Or are you just blind?" the rough voice questioned. I can already tell he's a jerk.

"Excuse me just because your unable to walk properly doesn't make me blind."

"Says the one who runs into me after closing their locker,"

"Whatever. You clearly are as dumb as a rock. Do you happen to know where AP bio is?"

His beautiful face formed into a smirk. I'm assuming that means nothing good.

"Yep, I'm in that class. Let's go it's over here," he stated. Great. So apparently he's not as dumb as a rock.

As I followed behind him out of breath because i have short legs he draped his heavy arms around my shoulders.

"Not happening bud," i said lifting them off. Did I mention how damn heavy these things are???

"Why not?"


"Because why?" theres that damn smirk again...

We finally reached the classroom. I immediately ran towards the back left corner as far away from him I could get. I just met him and we've already gone through like 15 different emotions in the corse of a 1 minute walk.
The school day finally concluded. It wasn't that bad. Worst part is I have every class with him. I don't even know his name and he's already making me want to run him over. Well I can't really do that because I'm terrified of driving but that's not the point.

I decided to walk home instead of the bus because it was pretty nice outside, a nice cool fall afternoon.

I decided to pull out my earbuds and play some Arctic Monkeys, specifically Florescent Adolescent ;)

I began humming the song, which then transformed into singing. I had already made sure no one was around to hear me before I started. I enjoy singing don't get me wrong, but people hearing? No. I don't like the attention. This is a talent I like to keep to myself.

Right as my song finished I heard clapping. My heart froze. I couldn't breath. No. Someone heard. Someone had been listening the entire time. Impossible, I had checked before and now one was there.

As I came to a halt I slowly turned around to see no one other than Mr. Smirk. Yes, that's the name I chose for him. Deal with it.

"Your not half bad,"

"Shut up, you weren't supposed to listen." I spat out. I'm usually significantly quiet but I wasn't in the mood for this. I already have enough insecurities and I don't need any additions.

"Woah, calm down there buttercup no need to get all feisty I was just complimenting you. Girls usually love it."

"Buttercup? Really?" I began to walk away. I should have known it wouldn't be that easy considering he jumped right infront of me forcing me to stop and painfully trip into his chest...again.

"Can't stay away from me can you?" he chuckled.

"I wish I could," i muttered under my breath just loud enough for him to hear.

"Buttercup I don't appreciate the aggressiveness,"

"And I don't appreciate you being in my way, so if you would kindly let me pass that would be great." i said using all my strength to push him. No use. Instead his hands grabbed my waist. I immediately threw his hands off.

"Listen I don't know who you think you are, shit, I don't even know your name, but don't ever touch me." I spat out. I hate being touched. Especially on my waist. I get so worried people will feel it and laugh while making jokes about my weight.

Just as I said that I stormed off. I know I was unnecessarily rude but he probably touched every girl in the school like that. I'm not going to be another one to his list.


"What?" i turned around to face him.

"My name, it's Grayson Andrews."

I felt a smile tugging at my lips. Thankfully I fought it. I'm very good at that.

"Harley Grey."

"Eh I prefer buttercup." he winked. Just as he said that he walked away in the opposite direction.

Grayson Andrews. I can't help but be intrigued by you.

Hey heyyyyyyyyy

Do we like it so far? Let me know! I'm sure the first chapters will be rough so be patient I'm not a very good writer it's mostly just for fun.

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Bye! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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