Pt. 9

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I saw Jaden passed out, sitting on the counter. I giggled and awed at how cute he was. I needed to wake him up so he could sleep in my bed. "Jae...bub come on. U gotta get up. U fell asleep sitting on the counter silly." He groans and realizes where he is. He laughs at himself knowing how tired he is. We head back to the bed and I tuck him in. I was about to leave when he grabbed me. "Please dont go." He pleaded. I couldn't say no to him so I gave in. "Alright ok bub." "Yeah!!!!" He says in a baby voice.

After cuddling for long enough, we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to whispers and camera flashes. I open my eyes to see the whole fucking house in my room. "What the hell y'all doing in here?" I ask not realizing that Jaden is in the bed. I heard a groan from beside me and turn to see Jaden. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh that." I say in realization. "So what happened here?" Josh asked in a serious tone. "Josh I promise nothing happened. I told Jaden that he could sleep here for the night so we could change his sheets tomorrow because we all know who the last people in there were. We both were on opposite sides of the bed but somehow ended up like this. I'm sorry Josh. Please be mad at me, not Jaden if u r. Jaden didnt do anything wrong." I ramble on worried Josh is mad at me. "Why would I be mad? Ur being urself and putting others before u and that's what Jaden needs right now. So I should be thanking you T, not be mad at you." I sigh in relief. After they all left, me and Jaden just laughed at the situation. "U know u lied to Josh about 1 part of that?" He asked laughing a bit. "Ya I know but it's for the best if he doesnt know that." I say giggling. "Ur to cute, u know that right?" He asks, changing the topic. "Really?" I ask surprised that the Jaden Hossler just called me cute. "Of course. Ur eyes, ur giggle, ur smile, ur sense of humor, ur love, ur care for others, ur style, everything about you is just perfect." He says looking at me. I start to tear up. "Awww bub I didnt mean to make u cry." He says turning to his soft side. "No no it's not u, well it is u, but it's my past relationship that's getting to me." "If u dont mind me asking, what happened?" "I was used for my body and I got pregnant with his kid.i was so excited. I did everything for the baby. Stayed home to rest, ate healthy, regularly exercised. While he was out at parties, getting drunk and at one point, hooking up with other girls while out. Then I found out I had a miscarriage." I say as the memories flood back. I start to tear up again. "Omg Taylor! I am so sorry. I didnt know." "Its ok! I understand. I havent told anyone but my mom and Josh." He stands me up and hugs me really tight. He kisses me on my head and I blush. I try to hide it but I failed. "Did I make the Taylor Richard's blush? Did I do that? He asks in a playful tone. "Nooooooo!" I say giggling a little. He throws me over his shoulder and throws me on my bed. He starts tickling me. "J-J-Ja-e p-p-leas-e s-s-t-op" I try to get out between my laughs. "Tell the truth first. Who made u blush?? Who did it?? Tell me???" "Y-y-y-ou d-d-id." He stops tickling me and I jump up and tackle him. He throws me off of him and I run down stairs. Everyone is in the living room. I jump on the couch while being chased by Jaden. Jaden tackles me and everyone is looking at us. Some are laughing and some are confused. We explain why and everyone started teasing me about it. "Ok guys I get it. Jaden made me blush. I already had to admit it so I could breathe normally again." I say turning my focus to Jaden as I say the last bit of the sentence. Jaden chuckles. We hear the door bell ring and Jaden offers to get it.

Jadens POV:
I offered to get the door because......... actually I dont know. I went to the door and opened it to see the one person I never wanted to see again........

His Angel- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now